Reasoning with Inequalities

This example demonstrates some basic inequality reasoning capabilities.

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|= (demo 5)

Now reading from `PL:sources;logic;demos;inequalities.plm'.
Type `?' at the pause prompt for a list of available commands.

;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: STELLA; Syntax: COMMON-LISP; Base: 10 -*-

;;; Version: inequalities.plm,v 1.8 2003/06/05 23:16:14 hans Exp

;;; Reasoning with inequalities
;;; ===========================

;;; This file demonstrates some basic inequality reasoning capabilities.

;;; The best way to view this file is by calling `(demo)' and
;;; selecting it from the menu of example demos.  This demo assumes
;;; familiarity with some basic PowerLoom concepts which are described
;;; in the introductory demo (#1 on the demo menu) and other demos
;;; preceding this one.

;; Standard demo preamble:

|= (in-package "STELLA")
------ pause ------c

|= (defmodule "PL-USER/INEQUALITIES")


|= (in-module "INEQUALITIES")

|= (clear-module "INEQUALITIES")

|= (reset-features)


|= (in-dialect KIF)


;; The already familiar `Person' concept with its `age' function:

|= (defconcept Person (?p)
  :documentation "The class of human beings.")


|= (deffunction age ((?p Person)) :-> (?a Integer)
  :documentation "?a is ?p's age in years.")


|= (assert (Person Fred))


;; Let us assert that Fred is older than thirty using the built-in
;; `>' predicate.  Other comparison predicates such as `>=', `=<', and
;; '<' are also available.  Note the somewhat unusual spelling of `=<'
;; to make it not conflict with the reverse implication sign `<='.

|= (assert (> (age Fred) 30))

|P|(> (AGE FRED) 30)

;; Even though we don't know what Fred's age really is, we can now find
;; out whether he is older than thirty, since we asserted that above:

|= (ask (> (age Fred) 30))


;; The built-in inequality reasoning specialists can also answer the
;; following query by exploiting the transitivity of `>':

|= (ask (> (age Fred) 25))


;; If the arguments to `>' are known, the result can be computed directly
;; without resorting to inequality inference, for example:

|= (assert (Person Susi))


|= (assert (= (age Susi) 16))

|P|(= (AGE SUSI) 16)

;; Since Susi's age is known, PowerLoom can compute directly whether
;; she is older than 12:

|= (ask (> (age Susi) 12))


;; And, even though we don't know Fred's age, he must be older than Susi:

|= (ask (> (age Fred) (age Susi)))



Finished demo `PL:sources;logic;demos;inequalities.plm'.


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PowerLoom is a registered trademark of the University of Southern California.
Last modified: May 27, 2006