Re: Update to rccs documentation

Jayakumar Muthukumarasamy ([email protected])
Thu, 6 Apr 1995 14:13:35 -0400 (EDT)

> JK,
> Got the documentation. Looks like we need to define MMHOME, whihc everyone
> should define as /home/mm-proj. Is that correct?

MMHOME is different for different people. It points to the root
directory of the individual's sccs hierarchy. So, if your local sccs hierarchy
is located at ~szekely/mm-proj, then MMHOME will be ~szekely/mm-proj. Rccs
get all the files from the common sccs hierarchy into the local sccs
hierarchy. The root directory for the common sccs hierarchy is defined
in the file "~mm-proj/.rccsrc".
