Re: A conceptual question

Piyawadee Sukaviriya ([email protected])
Thu, 20 Apr 1995 01:06:35 -0400 (EDT)

> >
> I think that the parameters are part of the task because they model the
> information that the task works on. I guess you are making an distinction
> between parameters and inputs/outputs, but I don't understand what the
> distinction is.
> My "model" of tasks is that when I do something, there is info that I need to
> accomplish the task, and there is info I might produce. All these info is
> modeled using input and output parameters.

That agrees with how I see it. So I conclude that concaptually we agree
on this one. The characteristics of parameters are attibutes of tasks,
the values which these parameters take at run-time are inputs/outputs.
So my note that task parameters are not attributes are not quite
correct. Task parameters are task attributes. Inputs/outputs are not.
> > An object can have parameters -- what does it mean for an
> > object to have parameters? How would we describe the
> > concept of object parameter to a designer? Is the meaning of
> > parameters in objects different from that of tasks? What is
> > the difference between object parameters and object attributes?
> >
> This is a tougher question because in my mind objects have attributes, not
> parameters. To anwer the question (last part of the question), there are no
> parameters, only attributes.
Given that we tend to use what we define at this level as our ontology,
we should make it clear what these means. Either the word task parameters
or object parameters has a wrong label.
