Re: browser.mtf

Piyawadee Sukaviriya ([email protected])
Fri, 5 May 1995 11:00:35 -0400 (EDT)

Kurt and I talked today about this and we agreed that that <<MYTAG>> is
a good idea. Though <> is not used in MTF, <<>> looks visually distinct
and we think it's okay. Kurt also think eventually we nmight want to
use < & > for less than and greater than so we might reserve them for that


> Recall that a TAG in the MTF language is a way of specifying a symbol that
> abbreviates a long qualified name. I noticed browser.mtf did not use this
> feature at all. Did we decide to drop this at some point?
> While we're on the subject, could we change the syntax of TAGs so that they
> are more easily distinguishable from expressions? At the moment we use
> square brackets to denote both a tag declaration and an expression
> declaration. How about:
> <<MYTAG>>
> for declaring a tag called MYTAG?
> Thanks.
> -- kurt.