The "Find" button will look for matching items of the specified type. If "Exactly" is selected in the "Match" pull down box, then the name must be complete and the correct case. If "Case Insensitive" is chosen, then the name must be complete, but correct capitalization of the letters is not important. If "Substring" is chosen, then a case insensitive match for all objects containing the search string is made.

If "Wildcard" is chosen, then the character "?" matches any letter and the character "*" matches zero or more of any letter. The other letters are compared in a case insensitive manner. Wildcard matches must match the full object name, although the "*" operator can be used to allow anything to match on the ends.

If "Regular Expression" is chosen the names of objects are matched to a regular expression in the type in box. Letters are compared in a case-insensitive manner. Unlike wildcards, this regular expression need only match a substring of the object name. To force a match against the whole object name the "^" and "$" operators must be used. Regular Expression Examples.

Regular Expression Syntax

The following regular expression syntax is available:
Character Meaning
^ Beginning of string
$ End of string
. (period) Matches any character
* Zero or more of the preceding element
+ One or more of the preceding element
[...] Match any one of the elements in the square brackets. A range may be specified using the "-" (hyphen) character. To include a hyphen itself, it must be the first element inside the square brackets. If the first character is "^" (caret), then this inverts the sense of the test&em;in other words the match is for anything except what is specified in the square brackets.
(...) Make the regular expression in parentheses act as a single element. Can also be referenced later.
\n Refer to the nth element in parentheses. The first element is number 1.
\ Escape character. Used to enter any of the special regular expression characters as its literal self.
... There are more options


Expression Meaning
.* Match anything. Not recommended: Finds too many matches.
^AIRCRAFT Finds names beginning with "AIRCRAFT".
AIRCRAFT$ Finds names ending with "AIRCRAFT".
^AIRCRAFT$ Find an exact match for "AIRCRAFT".
^.$ Match all single character names.
^..$ Match all double character names.
T.T Finds names which have "T" in them twice, separated by any other character.
TH.*TH Finds names which have "TH" in them twice, with any number of intervening characters.
[0-9] Finds names which include a digit.
[-_] Finds names which include a hyphen or underscore.
([A-Z])\1 Finds names which have the same character twice in a row.
[^AEIOU] Finds names which have at least one letter that is not a vowel.
^[^AEIOU]*$ Finds names which have no vowels.
^[^-]*$ Finds names which have no hyphens.

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