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SRM once more

Hi Kannan,

I've got 2 issues:

It seems to me that recovery from packet loss doesn't work as it
should if the first packet (sequence number 0) gets lost:

	virtual int request(SRMinfo* sp, int hi) {
		int miss = 0;
		if (!hi || sp->ldata_ >= hi)
			return miss;
		int maxsize = ((int)log10(hi) + 2) * (hi - sp->ldata_);


Why don't you make it "log10(hi+1)" and leave out the "!hi ||" ?

In SRMAgent::command(...)

			sip_->distance_ = 0.0;

Initializing distance_ to 0 causes trouble when scheduling a repair request
because the event is then scheduled _exactly_ at "now" and this causes
trouble when the tcl-precision is somewhat <17 digits (digits are cut
off which in turn causes the event to be scheduled in the past).

Would be better to set distance_ to 1.0 (as is done in the

Hope I don't bother you but I thought it might be valuable comments.