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Snoop in ns2.1


	I am trying to plot the arrival packet sequence number versus 
time with and without snoop (for the following network)

s(0) ---------------------- n(0) - - - - - - - - - - - -n(1)
      10 Mb,1ms,droptail           2Mb,3ms,droptail
When I analyse the output trace files for either case (i.e with and 
without snoop) I am unable to find any difference and furthermore I cannot 
find any retransmissions taking place due to errors in the wireles link.

I have used the Exponential Error Model. The snoop.tcl file used was 
the one which came with ns2.1.

Command line used was 

> ns snoop.tcl -e 0.001 -eu time -stop 5 -ll Snoop -r  (with snoop)
> ns snoop.tcl -e 0.001 -eu time -stop 5 -r            (without snoop)

Am I missing something or is it that the default trace file does not 
reflect any retransmissions which may occur ?

	Thanks in advance,
	Amit Saxena.

 PS : I had read a message on the mailing list that there may be new 
      available on using error models over the weekend. Could someone 
      please point me to this ?