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Re: use of monitor objects

> From:  Michael Mueller <[email protected]>
> To:    [email protected]
> Subject: use of monitor objects
> Date:  Thu, 02 Apr 1998 13:07:27 +0200
> Hi,
> has anybody some hints or example files of how to use the 
> queuemonitor and the lossmonitor objects in ns?
> I would like to monitor loss rates, drop distributions, 
> queue size, ...
> In the manual is the description of these objects, but I
> do not know how to use them, e.g. where is the output
> of the monitor sent to?
> I would much apreciate _any_ hints.
> Cheers
>         Mike

There isn't any "output" for the monitor objects.  Rather,
they just accumulate statics that may be of interest to you.
So, if $qm is a queue-monitor, you can do things like:

	set pkts [$qm set parrivals_]
	set bytes [$qm set barrivals_]

and then use these values in your simulation scripts.

- K