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Question about ns


I want some help from you , when I tried to build the network simulator,
I get some truble . When I tried to compile the otcl on DEC osf unix v4.0B with

gcc v2.8.1 an error was occured .

The error is:

rm -f libotcl.a otcl.o
gcc -c -g -O2  -I.  -I/disk1/users/seham/ns/otcl-1.0a3/../tk8.0/generic -I../tcl
8.0/generic    -I/include  DEFINES =  -DNDEBUG -DINT_64=u_long -DUSE_SHM otcl.c
gcc: DEFINES: No such file or directory
gcc: =: No such file or directory
*** Exit 1

Can you kindly help me to know how to solve this problem to continue building

the ns .

Thanks a lot for your time and your help .

Waiting for your reply.
