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I'm interested in ns-2 and I need to build otcl-1.0a3 under my Red Hat Linux
5.2/Intel box having tcltk-8.0.3. I intend to build a otcl rpm package and
share my efforts with the ones interested. I installed (unpacked, configured,
built) the tcl/tk 8.0.3 and pointed via configure to the tree where tcl resp. 
tk were built. The configure went well, AFAIK, but the build fails at isArg.

The claim is the the struct arg does not have isArg (in 8.0.3 that is).

There is some kind of problem with the lines 771-773 in otcl.c:

     if (args->isArg)

Could you help me on this. I've seen that you're poking around, well I assume
it's you, in the otcl sources so I thought I could ask you.


BTW, if you want the configure and build (failure) log of otcl-1.0a3,
let me know.