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[Q] Marc Gresis Tutorial : ping agent


(I know this tutorial material currently is maintained by VINT group, but I don't know
the proper name of this. I used the term "Marc.." referring to the first page of ns-2.)

I wrote the ping agent codes of tutorial and modified ns files as exactly directed in
the tutorial pages.  I did : make depend; make 

But I got the following error message :

home/porce/NS/PorceTest/ping> ns ping.tcl

invalid command name "Agent/Ping"
    while executing
"Agent/Ping instproc recv {from rtt} {
        $self instvar node_
        puts "node [$node_ id] received ping answer from \
              $from with round-trip-tim..."
    (file "ping.tcl" line 27)

This error message means my NS2.1b5 doesn't recognize the new ping 

What I put in Makefile is ...
        sessionhelper.o delaymodel.o srm-ssm.o \
        srm-topo.o \
        ping.o \
        mftp.o mftp_snd.o mftp_rcv.o codeword.o \
        alloc-address.o address.o \
        $(LIB_DIR)int.Vec.o $(LIB_DIR)int.RVec.o \
        $(LIB_DIR)dmalloc_support.o \

ping.o: ping.cc ping.h agent.h connector.h object.h scheduler.h \
 ../tclcl-1.0b8/tclcl.h /usr/include/sys/types.h \
 /usr/include/sys/cdefs.h /usr/include/sys/inttypes.h \
 /usr/include/machine/ansi.h /usr/include/machine/types.h \
 /usr/include/machine/endian.h /usr/include/string.h \
 ../tcl8.0.4/generic/tcl.h /usr/include/stdio.h ../otcl-1.0a4/otcl.h \
 ../tclcl-1.0b8/tclcl-config.h ../tclcl-1.0b8/tclcl-mappings.h \
 ../tclcl-1.0b8/tracedvar.h packet.h /usr/include/assert.h config.h \
 /usr/include/stdlib.h list.h packet-stamp.h antenna.h timer-handler.h \
 ns-process.h app.h address.h ip.h

That's it. 

Would you please point What I missed or made a mistake ?

Thanks in Adv.

 Jiwoong Lee @ KAIST EE