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[ns] Segmentation fault (core dumped) whilst running wireless tutorial scripts

I have been attempting to run the sample wireless scripts that are 
part of the Mark Greis online tutorial. 

I can run the wireless1.tcl script successfully (howbeit I have to 
break the script at 'starting simulation' and run the nam instance 
separately and then load the generated nam file) but I cannot get the 
wireless2 or wireless3.tcl scripts to run. They seem to compile ok (I 
assume cos I get wireless?-out.nam and wireless?.tr files) but I get 
the following message when I try to run them.

/home/igrs/phd/phkc/ns-allinone-2.1b6/ns-2.1b6/tcl/ex% nam
Cannot connect to existing nam instance. Starting a new one...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I am using ns-2.1b6 on Solaris. I have also checked the archives.  

Also my wireless1.out.nam file size is 13729792
my wireless2-out.nam is 1515520 and my 
wireless3-out.nam is 7471104
Are these file sizes about right?


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