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Re: [ns] Multicast question

> The problem that I get is when I try to use any of my multicast files or any of
> the sample multicast files for that matter, I get an error that switch_ is
> not defined. However, I was able to find this from the 2.1b7 change log:
> - Multicast code is partially converted, in that the hookup of switch_ is 
> done via RtModule/Mcast, however, existing mcast code is not changed to be 
> wrapped entired in this module; it is still in the forms of a bunch of 
> Simulator and Node instprocs

You are right, and before they are fully converted, switch_ should be set
by RtModule/Mcast::register{} from tcl/lib/ns-rtmodule.tcl. If this is not
called then switch_ will not be there.

- Haobo