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[ns] RLM question


anybody knows what is the purpose of pending_inferior_jexps
in rlm.ns



MMG instproc pending_inferior_jexps {} {
        set n 0
        $self instvar subscription_
        while { $n <= $subscription_ } {
                if [$self level_recently_joined $n] {
                        return 1
                incr n
        $self debug "NO-PEND-INF"
        return 0

# join the next higher layer when in /S
MMG instproc trigger_TJ {} {
        $self debug "trigger-TJ"
        $self instvar state_ ctrl_ subscription_
        if { ($state_ == "/S" && ![$self pending_inferior_jexps] && \
                  [$self current_layer_getting_packets])  } {
                $self add-layer
                $self check-equilibrium
                set msg "add $subscription_"
                $ctrl_ send $msg
                #XXX loop back message
                $self local-join
        $self set_TJ_timer