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[ns] a question on Nortel DiffServ!

Hi all,

I have been trying to simulate a strict policing scheme (EF) out of the
Nortel DiffServ module. I have a topology with 12 sources/dest, 6 edge
routers and 2 cores.  The topology is dumb-bell shaped with sources and
destinations on either side of 3 edge routers connected internally to 
2 cores something as below :

         s1                                d1
          .  \                          /  .
          .   \                        /   .
         s4---- e1                    e4---d4
                   \                 /     
         s5         \               /      d5
         .   \       \             /     / 
         .    \       \           /     /
         s8---- e2----  c1 --- c2 ----e5---d8
                      /          \
         s9          /            \        d9
         .   \      /              \     /
         .    \    /                \   /
         s12---- e3                  e6 ---d12 

I have been using the PRI mode for the scheduler in the core. I have 3
queues on the core and I set the QueueRate on each of the queues to a
value of x, y an z.  What I want to see is that the routers drop all
the packets beyond the max. rate of x.  I tried setting the drop
probability on the queue using "$c1q configQ 0 0 10 20 1" to 1 with the
intention of achieving the above.  I also have a TS3CWM policer on the
edges and I have the PIR and CIR values set to a really low value.  But,
the average rate I have been seeing is much above the rate of x.  The
linkrate between c1 and c2 is set such that the total rate coming out
of e1, e2 and e3 is higher than the linkrate.

I even tried setting MREDMode to DROP but in vain.

Am I missing something here?  Is there any way I can achieve the strict
policing that I want (any specific policer, scheduler mode combination??).

Any clues, suggestions??



    Sowmya Manjanatha : University of New Hampshire
    Major             : Computer Science      

    email        : [email protected]
