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[ns] Scheduler: UID space exhausted!

Hi, ns-users:
I am runing simulation with  ns-allinone-2.1b7a. I got a problem im my
work using NS2. I need to run large scale simulation for a while (for
example 100 sec). Since I generate a lot of traffic (5M packets/sec) among
127 nodes, I always took a long time simulation. If I use a limited time
, foe example 10 sec, it is o.k., but if I simulate it over 30 sec, I
always got the messages:

 Scheduler: UID space exhausted!

Can anybody show me what it meaning and how I can overcome this problem?


Chien-Lung Wu						[email protected]
Graduate Student of ECE 				(O) 919-513-1894
at North Carolina State University			(H) 919-233-6724