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[ns] new rtmodule

I'm really a beginner in ns world: it's my first message...so hello to all
of you
I'd like to have a new rtmodule for a node of my network (for the moment
doing the same thing of Base one).
I did the following changes:

in ns-rtmodule.tcl...

RtModule/My instproc register { node } {
	$self next $node

	# Create classifier
	$self instvar classifier_
	set classifier_ [new Classifier/Hash/Dest 32]
	$classifier_ set mask_ [AddrParams NodeMask 1]
	$classifier_ set shift_ [AddrParams NodeShift 1]
	$node install-entry $self $classifier_

in rtmodule.cc...

static class MyRoutingModuleClass : public TclClass {
	MyRoutingModuleClass() : TclClass("RtModule/My") {}
	TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) {
		return (new MyRoutingModule);
} class_my_routing_module;

in rtmodule.h...

class MyRoutingModule : public RoutingModule {
	MyRoutingModule() : RoutingModule() {}
	virtual const char* module_name() const { return "My"; }

then I did

make depend

but calling in my script

$n(7) register-module [new RtModule/My]

I gathered the following result:

invalid command name "RtModule/My"
    while executing
"RtModule/My create _o50 "
    invoked from within
"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
    (procedure "new" line 3)
    invoked from within
"new RtModule/My"
    invoked from within
"$n(7) register-module [new RtModule/My]"
    (file "myclassifier.tcl" line 73)

I use ns 2.1b7a on Solaris

Have you any idea about my mistakes or misses ? Do I have to register the
class somewhere as for packets in tutorial example?
I can't find out anything in the documentation. 
Thanks a lot