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RE: [ns] error model


The parameters attached in your mail have been in ns before I added a new unit namely bit.
In ns, you could specify the error rate in terms of packets, bytes, time before. I just added another
unit for bit. So when you specify the error rate like "set rate 0.001" with the unit of bit, it means 
that the probability of damanaging one bit is 0.001. 

And for the below parameters, you may need to refer to the ns manual or need to read errmodel.cc
for more details.


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Dong Sun
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 1:47 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [ns] error model

Who could do me a favor to explain the meaning of each items in the
error model developed by jahn of isi? How can I change the  bit error
rate in this model? Actually I have no idea which item identify the BER
:-(    Is that "ErrorModel set rate_ 0.00001"?

Thanks.- Dong

ErrorModel set enable_ 1
ErrorModel set markecn_ false
ErrorModel set bandwidth_ 2Mb
ErrorModel set rate_ 0.00001

ErrorModel/Trace set good_ 123456789
ErrorModel/Trace set loss_ 0
ErrorModel/Periodic set period_ 3.0
ErrorModel/Periodic set offset_ 0.0
ErrorModel/Periodic set burstlen_ 0.0
ErrorModel/MultiState set curperiod_ 0.0
ErrorModel/MultiState set sttype_ pkt
ErrorModel/MultiState set texpired_ 0