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[ns] problem in multicasting.............

    i 've writtern an new UDP agent for send some user data with a newly created header format.In that UDP agent ,i am sending data using 
target_->send(p,h).it working nicely for unicast cases.

Now i am tring to an multicast application using the same UDP agent.
but it is not sending data.i have followed the same procedure given in the NS manual. I think the  problem is with the variable pointer target_  .....

Can any one tell me where this variable is being made to point to target object and should be modified to make it support multicast case.

Thanks in Advance


The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
 persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.  Therefore all progress
 depends on the unreasonable man.            -- George Bernard Shaw

Edwin Omesh M    
|HCL Technologies
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