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[ns] mobile ip routing optimization,problems!

Hi, I`m a final year student in Electronic Engineering in the university of Rome, I'm trying to implement MOBILE IP WITH ROUTING OPTIMIZATION, for my degree thesis,  with network simulator (ns2.1b7a).
I have modified the existing mobile ip protocol (c++ source) in ns (mip.cc,mip.h,mip-reg.cc) according with the necessity of the optimization, so I've created 7 new c++ files (mipro-fixedhost.cc/.h, mipro-mobilehost.cc/.h, mipro-gateway.cc/.h and mipro-header.h) in which i have implemented 3 new agents (MIPROMH,MIPROFH and MIPROGW).
I've not modified the original mobile ip broadcasting.
Before compiling my script I've modified the following files, as requested in the tutorial:
So i do "make" in ns-2.1b7a directory, it was succesfull!
My idea was to create an alternative mobile ip protocol to that existing in ns, without removing it, which is "activated" by ! a flag in the node configuration (-mobileIPRO  ON), to do that I've done the following steps:
1)creation of a tcl file very similar to ns-mip.tcl, called ns-mipro.tcl and located in ../tcl/lib/
2)modification of ns-lib.tcl (adding the source tcl file ns-mipro in the list, and replicating the old mip code  making the appropriate changes)
3)modification of dsdv,com,dsr files in ..tcl/mobility/ (replicating the old mip code  making the appropriate changes)
4)modification of ns-mobilenode.tcl (replicating the old mip code  making the appropriate changes)
5)modification of makefile.in (adding in the tcl files list my new file ns-mipro.tcl)
After doing this I've re-build ns (making ./install in ns-allinone-2.1b7a directory), and so I run the validate test (./validate in ns-2.1b7a directory), it was a disaster! Many tests failed, I try to run a tcl script to test my new protocol, it was a disaster too!
I absolutely have not! touched the existing mip protocol, I have "only" duplicated it making the appropriate changes, is this approach completely wrong?  Have I  to  modify other files to make it work?Where I'm wrong?
Your help will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance

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