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[ns] Installing AODV codes from Elizabeth Royer's homepage?

I try to install AODV codes from Elizabeth Royer's
homepage (http://www.ececs.uc.edu/~mmarina/aodv/).
I encouter some problems.

1. what directory should I put the CMU Monarch extension ( snapshot 1.1.2)
in? How should I build it?  Right now I put it in the parallel directory
to my original ns directory. I unzipped and untarred it.
2. In Elizabeth Royer's homepage, "sh configure-2" need to be executed.
where (in what directory) should I execute it? I tried to execute it in
the snapshot's homepage; however, id didn't work.
3. where (in what directory) should I execute the final "make depend;make
clean; make" commands?
