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Re: [ns] regarding Tcl_Debugging

On Fri, 12 Oct 2001, Raj M Verma wrote:

> hi, I'm sorry about the manual. as u said, I
> configured my ns2 again with the --enable-debug option
> along with the --with-tcldebug=./../ option.

using ../ is a bad mistake unless you understand the context in which
it is interpreted. If you bother to read the configure output you will
likely discover that it's not where you think you thought you said it

(I have experienced bugs in setting e.g. dmalloc location 
for the makefile, but such bugs should be fixed now.)

> reconfiguring fine and then I'm making it. it's
> compiling fine. after that I tried with the same
> xample by adding a statement, "debug 1" ,in the first
> line of the script, just to check whether it's getting
> enabled or not. so when I tried to run the script in
> the normal way(not in the debugging mode) like ns
> example.tcl at the prompt, it's giving a warning
> stating that
> warning: Script debugging disabled. Reconfigure with
> --with-tcldebug, and recompile. 
> this is wat I xactly did, but even then it's giving this warning.
> why? but the script is running fine. is it a prob with Makefile?
> or shud I set the library path of tcl-debug libraries in .cshrc
> file? or is there something else that I shud do. 

and what does using expect buy you, exactly?

<[email protected]>PGP<http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/>