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RE: [ns] ns-2 buliding problem on Windows 2000

 Hi Aaron,

     Thanx a lot for your reply. I tried the /I option, after reading your
mail. But it is giving the same error and stopping. Thanx for your reply.


-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron D Striegel [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 10:11 AM
To: Balasundaram, Shivkumar
Subject: Re: [ns] ns-2 buliding problem on Windows 2000


Did you try the nmake /I /f makefile.vc option?


At 06:47 PM 10/22/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>    Hi all,
>     I am trying to install ns on Windows 2000. I am installing with
>The files I am installing are:
>   1> tk8.3.2
>   2> tcl8.3.2
>   3> otcl-1.0a7
>   4> tclcl-1.0b11
>   5> ns-2.1b8a-win
>       Of these, I have managed to install the first four. I am not able to
>to install the ns-2. When I try to install ns-2, I get the following error.
>It builds the majority of components but then gives the error, at the end.
>Please help me with this.
>   Thanks and Wishes,
>       Shiv
>C:\NetSim\ns-2.1b8a-win>c:\progra~1\micros~3\vc98\bin\nmake /f makefile.vc
>Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.8168.0
>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.
>         link -LIBPATH:"c:\progra~1\micros~3\vc98\lib" /NODEFAULTLIB
>:NO /PDB:NONE /RELEASE /NOLOGO msvcrt.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib
>mswsock.lib advapi32.lib -out:ns.exe  tclAppInit.o  random.o rng.o ranvar.o
>.o timer-handler.o  scheduler.o object.o  packet.o ip.o route.o connector.o
>o  trace.o trace-ip.o  classifier.o classifier-addr.o classifier-hash.o
>er-virtual.o  classifier-mcast.o classifier-bst.o classifier-mpath.o
>o  classifier-mac.o classifier-port.o src_rtg/classifier-sr.o
>  src_rtg/hdr_src.o ump.o  app.o telnet.o tcplib-telnet.o  trafgen.o
>.o pareto.o expoo.o cbr_traffic.o  tbf.o resv.o sa.o saack.o  measuremod.o
>ator.o adc.o ms-adc.o timewindow-est.o acto-adc.o  pointsample-est.o
>salink.o ac
>tp-adc.o hb-adc.o expavg-est.o param-adc.o null-estimator.o
>  vatrcvr.o consrcvr.o  agent.o message.o udp.o session-rtp.o rtp.o rtcp.o
>  tcp.o tcp-sink.o tcp-reno.o tcp-newreno.o  tcp-vegas.o tcp-rbp.o
>ytcp/tcp-full-bay.o baytcp/ftpc.o baytcp/ftps.o  scoreboard.o tcp-sack1.o
>ck.o  tcp-asym.o tcp-asym-sink.o tcp-fs.o tcp-asym-fs.o  tcp-int.o chost.o
>ession.o nilist.o  integrator.o queue-monitor.o flowmon.o loss-monitor.o
>o drop-tail.o simple-intserv-sched.o red.o  semantic-packetqueue.o
>o ack-recons.o  sfq.o fq.o drr.o cbq.o  hackloss.o errmodel.o fec.o delay.o
>p.o  gaf/gaf.o  dynalink.o rtProtoDV.o net-interface.o  ctrMcast.o
>srm.o  sessionhelper.o delaymodel.o srm-ssm.o  srm-topo.o  mftp.o
>p_rcv.o codeword.o  alloc-address.o address.o  lib\\int.Vec.o
>lib\\int.RVec.o  l
>ib\\dmalloc_support.o  webcache/http.o webcache/tcp-simple.o
>   webcache/inval-agent.o webcache/tcpapp.o webcache/http-aux.o
>o webcache/webtraf.o  realaudio/realaudio.o  lanRouter.o filter.o
>  Decapsulator.o Encapsulator.o encap.o  channel.o mac.o ll.o mac-802_11.o
>2_3.o mac-tdma.o  mip.o mip-reg.o gridkeeper.o  propagation.o
>enna.o omni-antenna.o  shadowing.o bi-connector.o node.o mobilenode.o
>.o dem.o topography.o modulation.o priqueue.o  phy.o wired-phy.o
>  mac-timers.o cmu-trace.o varp.o  dsdv/dsdv.o dsdv/rtable.o rtqueue.o
>  imep/imep.o imep/dest_queue.o imep/imep_api.o  imep/imep_rt.o
>o imep/imep_timers.o  imep/imep_util.o imep/imep_io.o  tora/tora.o
>.o tora/tora_dest.o tora/tora_io.o  tora/tora_logs.o tora/tora_neighbor.o
>sragent.o dsr/hdr_sr.o dsr/mobicache.o dsr/path.o  dsr/requesttable.o
>ache.o  aodv/aodv_logs.o aodv/aodv.o  ns-process.o  satgeometry.o
>sathandoff.o s
>atlink.o satnode.o  satposition.o satroute.o sattrace.o  rap/raplist.o
>  rap/media-app.o rap/utilities.o  fsm.o tcp-abs.o  diffusion/diffusion.o
>on/diff_rate.o diffusion/diff_prob.o  diffusion/diff_sink.o
>  diffusion/omni_mcast.o  diffusion/hash_table.o diffusion/routing_table.o
>ion/iflist.o  tfrc.o tfrc-sink.o energy-model.o ping.o tcp-rfc793edu.o
>rio.o se
>mantic-rio.o tcp-sack-rh.o scoreboard-rh.o  plm/loss-monitor-plm.o
>ic-PP.o  linkstate/hdr-ls.o  mpls/classifier-addr-mpls.o mpls/ldp.o
>dule.o  rtmodule.o classifier-hier.o addr-params.o  nix/hdr_nv.o
>nix.o  nix/nixnode.o  routealgo/rnode.o  routealgo/bfs.o
>routealgo/rbitmap.o  r
>outealgo/rlookup.o  routealgo/routealgo.o  nix/nixvec.o  nix/nixroute.o
>v/dsred.o diffserv/dsEdge.o diffserv/dsCore.o diffserv/dsPolicy.o
>q.o  red-pd.o  pushback/rate-limit.o pushback/rate-limit-strategy.o
>ent-tree.o pushback/agg-spec.o  pushback/logging-data-struct.o
>imator.o  pushback/pushback-queue.o pushback/pushback.o  parentnode.o
>.o  simulator.o   gen\\version.o gen\\ns_tcl.o gen\\ptypes.o  win32.o
>tclcl-1.0b11\tclcl.lib -LIBPATH:c:\NetSim\otcl-1.0a7 otcl.lib
>m\tk8.3.2\win\Release tk83.lib -LIBPATH:c:\NetSim\tcl8.3.2\win\Release
>   libci.lib msvcirt.lib msvcrt.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib  ws2_32.lib
>.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib
>NMAKE : fatal error U1095: expanded command line 'link
>lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib  ws2_32.lib mswsock.lib advapi32.lib
>tclAppInit.o  random.o rng.o ranvar.o misc.o timer-handler.o  scheduler.o
>.o  packet.o ip.o route.o connector.o ttl.o  trace.o trace-ip.o
>classifier.o cl
>assifier-addr.o classifier-hash.o classifier-virtual.o  classifier-mcast.o
>ifier-bst.o classifier-mpath.o replicator.o  classifier-mac.o
>src_rtg/classifier-sr.o  src_rtg/sragent.o src_rtg/hdr_src.o ump.o  app.o
>.o tcplib-telnet.o  trafgen.o traffictrace.o pareto.o expoo.o cbr_traffic.o
>.o resv.o sa.o saack.o  measuremod.o estimator.o adc.o ms-adc.o
>  acto-adc.o  pointsample-est.o salink.o actp-adc.o hb-adc.o expavg-est.o
>dc.o null-estimator.o  adaptive-receiver.o vatrcvr.o consrcvr.o  agent.o
>.o udp.o session-rtp.o rtp.o rtcp.o ivs.o  tcp.o tcp-sink.o tcp-reno.o
>no.o  tcp-vegas.o tcp-rbp.o tcp-full.o  baytcp/tcp-full-bay.o baytcp/ftpc.o
>cp/ftps.o  scoreboard.o tcp-sack1.o tcp-fack.o  tcp-asym.o tcp-asym-sink.o
>s.o tcp-asym-fs.o  tcp-int.o chost.o tcp-session.o nilist.o  integrator.o
>monitor.o flowmon.o loss-monitor.o  queue.o drop-tail.o
>simple-intserv-sched.o r
>ed.o  semantic-packetqueue.o semantic-red.o ack-recons.o  sfq.o fq.o drr.o
>   hackloss.o errmodel.o fec.o delay.o snoop.o  gaf/gaf.o  dynalink.o
>  net-interface.o  ctrMcast.o mcast_ctrl.o srm.o  sessionhelper.o
>delaymodel.o sr
>m-ssm.o  srm-topo.o  mftp.o mftp_snd.o mftp_rcv.o codeword.o
>alloc-address.o ad
>dress.o  lib\\int.Vec.o lib\\int.RVec.o  lib\\dmalloc_support.o
>  webcache/tcp-simple.o webcache/pagepool.o  webcache/inval-agent.o
>pp.o webcache/http-aux.o  webcache/mcache.o webcache/webtraf.o
>dio.o  lanRouter.o filter.o pkt-counter.o  Decapsulator.o Encapsulator.o
>   channel.o mac.o ll.o mac-802_11.o mac-802_3.o mac-tdma.o  mip.o
>keeper.o  propagation.o tworayground.o antenna.o omni-antenna.o
>connector.o node.o mobilenode.o  arp.o god.o dem.o topography.o
>queue.o  phy.o wired-phy.o wireless-phy.o  mac-timers.o cmu-trace.o varp.o
>/dsdv.o dsdv/rtable.o rtqueue.o rttable.o  imep/imep.o imep/dest_queue.o
>ep_api.o  imep/imep_rt.o imep/rxmit_queue.o imep/imep_timers.o
>  imep/imep_io.o  tora/tora.o tora/tora_api.o tora/tora_dest.o
>ra/tora_logs.o tora/tora_neighbor.o  dsr/dsragent.o dsr/hdr_sr.o
>  dsr/path.o  dsr/requesttable.o dsr/routecache.o  aodv/aodv_logs.o
>ns-process.o  satgeometry.o sathandoff.o satlink.o satnode.o  satposition.o
>oute.o sattrace.o  rap/raplist.o rap/rap.o rap/media-app.o rap/utilities.o
>o tcp-abs.o  diffusion/diffusion.o diffusion/diff_rate.o
>diffusion/diff_sink.o diffusion/flooding.o diffusion/omni_mcast.o
>h_table.o diffusion/routing_table.o diffusion/iflist.o  tfrc.o tfrc-sink.o
>y-model.o ping.o tcp-rfc793edu.o  rio.o semantic-rio.o tcp-sack-rh.o
>rh.o  plm/loss-monitor-plm.o plm/cbr-traffic-PP.o  linkstate/hdr-ls.o
>sifier-addr-mpls.o mpls/ldp.o mpls/mpls-module.o  rtmodule.o
>classifier-hier.o a
>ddr-params.o  nix/hdr_nv.o nix/classifier-nix.o  nix/nixnode.o
>o  routealgo/bfs.o  routealgo/rbitmap.o  routealgo/rlookup.o
>o.o  nix/nixvec.o  nix/nixroute.o  diffserv/dsred.o diffserv/dsEdge.o
>sCore.o diffserv/dsPolicy.o diffserv/dsredq.o  red-pd.o
>pushback/rate-limit.o p
>ushback/rate-limit-strategy.o  pushback/ident-tree.o pushback/agg-spec.o
>ck/logging-data-struct.o pushback/rate-estimator.o
>pushback/pushback-queue.o pu
>shback/pushback.o  parentnode.o  basetrace.o  simulator.o   gen\\version.o
>ns_tcl.o gen\\ptypes.o  win32.o c:\NetSim\tclcl-1.0b11\tclcl.lib
>Sim\otcl-1.0a7 otcl.lib  -LIBPATH:c:\NetSim\tk8.3.2\win\Release tk83.lib
>H:c:\NetSim\tcl8.3.2\win\Release tcl83.lib  libci.lib msvcirt.lib
>names.lib kernel32.lib  ws2_32.lib mswsock.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib
>  comdlg32.lib winspool.lib' too long