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[ns] About DRR in wireless node

 Dear ns-users,

    In tcl/ex/test-drr.tcl, the command that set DRR parameters as below

Simulator instproc get-link { node1 node2 } {
    $self instvar link_
    set id1 [$node1 id]
    set id2 [$node2 id]
    return $link_($id1:$id2)

#Alternate way for setting parameters for the DRR queue
set l [$ns get-link $n0 $n1]
set q [$l queue]

$q mask $MASK
$q blimit 25000
$q quantum 500
$q buckets 7   

 BUT, in wireless node, there are no link. 
 So, how can I do to use command that DRR provide ?

 Thanks in advance,
