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RE: [ns] "bad file size in video.dat"--why?

did you use the trace files from www-tkn.ee.tu-berlin.de/research/trace ?
Well, either the tcl script to convert them to the obscure binary format is broken or the tracetraffic.cc .

I hacked tracefile.cc to read a plain text format:

int TraceFile::setup()
   tracerec* t;
   struct stat buf;
   int i;
   FILE *fp;
   ofstream of("readlog");

   /* only open/read the file once (could be shared by multiple
    * SourceModel's
   if (! status_)
      status_ = 1;

      if (stat(name_, (struct stat *)&buf))
         printf("could not stat %s\n", name_);
         return -1;
      nrec_ = buf.st_size/sizeof(tracerec);
      unsigned nrecplus = nrec_ * sizeof(tracerec);
      unsigned bufst = buf.st_size;
      trace_ = new struct tracerec[nrec_];

      if ((fp = fopen(name_, "rb")) == NULL)
         printf("can't open file %s\n", name_);
         return -1;

      t = trace_;
      char buf[4*1024];
      while (!feof(fp)  )

         if (fgets(buf,4*1024,fp)==0)
         if (sscanf(buf,"%d %d",&t->trec_time,&t->trec_size)!=2)
            printf("read failed\n");
            return -1 ;
         of<<t->trec_time<<" "<<t->trec_size<<endl;

   /* pick a random starting place in the trace file */
   return (int(Random::uniform((double)nrec_)+.5));

and the tcl script:

#  puts -nonewline $trace_file_id [binary format "II" $time $length]
  puts $trace_file_id "$time $length"

I don't know why they used a binary format...


Free Dmitry Sklyarov ! 

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	dongmin97 [SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent:	Wednesday, November 28, 2001 5:39 AM
> To:	[email protected]
> Cc:	[email protected]
> Subject:	[ns] "bad file size in video.dat"--why?
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