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[ns] questions about aodv

hi all;

quick question about aodv stuff for those of you that do it.
in particular this is in reference to b7a. if this is easily
addressed by using b8, someone please tell me.

i look around the source tree and it looks like there is some
inconsistency as to how the ad hoc routing stuff is implemented.
in particular, the accompanying tcl files for tora, dsdv, and dsr 
can be found in the tcl/mobility sub - directory; the aodv tcl
file is in the aodv sub-directory. furthermore, there doesn't 
seem to be a corresponding aodv-create-mobile-node method like there
are for dsr and dsdv. furthermore, poking around in the Makefile shows
that while the tcl files for dsr and dsdv are sourced, those for 
neither aodv nor tora are. getting a touch more paranoid, i grepped
( sorry for verbing ) the source tree for the string 'aodv.tcl' looking
for where the file was sourced; the only thing i came up with was the
[...]~wireless-lan-aodv.tcl test script. hmmm ...

i think someone may have stated this earlier and i hate to beat a 
dead horse ( yet beat i will ) can someone explain the discrepancy.
in particular could someone either explain or point me to a place 
where it is explained how the creation of a mobile node is tied to
the aodv routing protocol. tangentially related, if anyone has an
example script of the oodv protocol in use that they would be willing
to part with; that would be < synonym for the word "appreciated" >

any help is appreciated, thank you.
