44.5 Commands at a Glance

The following commands on the PackMimeHTTP class can be accessed from OTcl:

[new PackMimeHTTP]
Creates a new PackMimeHTTP object.

$packmime start
Start generating connections

$packmime stop
Stop generating new connections

$packmime set-client <node>
Associates the node with the PackMimeHTTP client cloud

$packmime set-server <node>
Associates the node with the PackMimeHTTP server cloud

$packmime set-rate <float>
Set the average number of new connections started per second

$packmime set-req_size <RandomVariable>
Set the HTTP request size distribution

$packmime set-rsp_size <RandomVariable>
Set the HTTP response size distribution

$packmime set-flow_arrive <RandomVariable>
Set the time between two consecutive connections starting

$packmime set-server_delay <RandomVariable>
Set the web server delay for fetching pages

$packmime set-run <int>
Set the run number so that the RNGs used for the random variables will use the same substream (see Chapter [*] on RNG for more details).

$packmime get-pairs
Return the number of completed HTTP request-response pairs. See tcl/ex/packmime/pm-end-pairs.tcl for an example of using get-pairs to end the simulation after a certain number of pairs have completed.

$packmime set-TCP <protocol>
Sets the TCP type (Reno, Newreno, or Sack) for all connections in the client and server clouds - Reno is the default

HTTP/1.1-Specific Commands

$packmime set-http-1.1
Use HTTP/1.1 distributions for persistent connections instead of HTTP/1.0.

$packmime no-pm-persistent-reqsz
By default, PackMime-HTTP sets all request sizes in a persistent connection to be the same. This option turns that behavior off and samples a new request size from the request size distribution for each request in a persistent connection.

$packmime no-pm-persistent-rspsz
By default, PackMime-HTTP uses an algorithm (see PackMimeHTTPPersistRspSizeRandomVariable::value() in packmime_ranvar.h for details) for setting the response sizes in a persistent connection. This option turns that behavior off and samples a new response size from the response size distribution for each response in a persistent connection.

$packmime set-prob_persistent <RandomVariable>
Set the probability that the connection is persistent

$packmime set-num_pages <RandomVariable>
Set the number of pages per connection

$packmime set-prob_single_obj <RandomVariable>
Set the probability that the page contains a single object

$packmime set-objs_per_page <RandomVariable>
Set the number of objects per page

$packmime set-time_btwn_pages <RandomVariable>
Set the time between page requests (i.e., think time)

$packmime set-time_btwn_objs <RandomVariable>
Set the time between object requests

Output-Specific Commands

$packmime active-connections
Output the current number of active HTTP connections to standard error

$packmime total-connections
Output the total number of completed HTTP connections to standard error

$packmime set-warmup <int>
Sets what time output should start. Only used with set outfile.

$packmime set-outfile <filename>
Output the following fields (one line per HTTP request-reponse pair) to filename:

$packmime set-filesz-outfile <filename>
Right after sending a response, output the following fields (one line per HTTP request-reponse pair) to filename:

$packmime set-samples-outfile <filename>
Right before sending a request, output the following fields (one line per HTTP request-reponse pair) to filename:

$packmime set-debug <int>
Set the debugging level:

Tom Henderson 2014-12-17