#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # # AltaVista.pm # by John Heidemann # Copyright (C) 1996-1998 by USC/ISI # $Id$ # # Complete copyright notice follows below. # package WWW::Search::AltaVista; =head1 NAME WWW::Search::AltaVista - class for searching Alta Vista =head1 SYNOPSIS require WWW::Search; $search = new WWW::Search('AltaVista'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is an AltaVista specialization of WWW::Search. It handles making and interpreting AltaVista searches F. This class exports no public interface; all interaction should be done through WWW::Search objects. =head1 OPTIONS The default is for simple web queries. Specialized back-ends for simple and advanced web and news searches are available (see L, L, L, L). These back-ends set different combinations following options. =over 8 =item search_url=URL Specifies who to query with the AltaVista protocol. The default is at C; you may wish to retarget it to C or other hosts if you think that they're ``closer''. =item search_debug, search_parse_debug, search_ref Specified at L. =item pg=aq Do advanced queries. (It defaults to simple queries.) =item what=news Search Usenet instead of the web. (It defaults to search the web.) =back =head1 SEE ALSO To make new back-ends, see L, or the specialized AltaVista searches described in options. =head1 HOW DOES IT WORK? C is called before we do anything. It initializes our private variables (which all begin with underscores) and sets up a URL to the first results page in C<{_next_url}>. C is called (from C) whenever more hits are needed. It calls the LWP library to fetch the page specified by C<{_next_url}>. It parses this page, appending any search hits it finds to C<{cache}>. If it finds a ``next'' button in the text, it sets C<{_next_url}> to point to the page for the next set of results, otherwise it sets it to undef to indicate we're done. =head1 AUTHOR and CURRENT VERSION C is written and maintained by John Heidemann, . The best place to obtain C is from Martin Thurn's WWW::Search releases on CPAN. Because AltaVista sometimes changes its format in between his releases, sometimes more up-to-date versions can be found at F. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1996-1998 University of Southern California. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed by the University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut #' # # Test cases: # ./altavista.pl xxxasdf --- no hits # ./altavista.pl '"lsam replication"' --- single page return # ./altavista.pl '+"john heidemann" +work' --- 9 page return # ##################################################################### require Exporter; @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(); @ISA = qw(WWW::Search Exporter); # note that the AltaVista version number is not synchronized # with the WWW::Search version number. ($VERSION) = ('$Revision$' =~ m/(\d+\.\d+)/); #' use Carp (); use WWW::Search(generic_option); require WWW::SearchResult; sub undef_to_emptystring { return defined($_[0]) ? $_[0] : ""; } # private sub native_setup_search { my($self, $native_query, $native_options_ref) = @_; $self->user_agent('user'); $self->{_next_to_retrieve} = 0; # set the text=yes option to provide next links with # (suggested by Guy Decoux ). if (!defined($self->{_options})) { $self->{_options} = { 'pg' => 'q', 'text' => 'yes', 'what' => 'web', 'fmt' => 'd', 'search_url' => 'http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query', }; }; my($options_ref) = $self->{_options}; if (defined($native_options_ref)) { # Copy in new options. foreach (keys %$native_options_ref) { $options_ref->{$_} = $native_options_ref->{$_}; }; }; # Process the options. # (Now in sorted order for consistency regarless of hash ordering.) my($options) = ''; foreach (sort keys %$options_ref) { # printf STDERR "option: $_ is " . $options_ref->{$_} . "\n"; next if (generic_option($_)); $options .= $_ . '=' . $options_ref->{$_} . '&'; }; $self->{_debug} = $options_ref->{'search_debug'}; $self->{_debug} = 2 if ($options_ref->{'search_parse_debug'}); $self->{_debug} = 0 if (!defined($self->{_debug})); # Finally figure out the url. $self->{_base_url} = $self->{_next_url} = $self->{_options}{'search_url'} . "?" . $options . "q=" . $native_query; print STDERR $self->{_base_url} . "\n" if ($self->{_debug}); } # private sub save_old_hit { my($self) = shift; my($old_hit) = shift; my($old_raw) = shift; if (defined($old_hit)) { $old_hit->raw($old_raw) if (defined($old_raw)); push(@{$self->{cache}}, $old_hit); }; return(undef, undef); } # private sub begin_new_hit { my($self) = shift; my($old_hit) = shift; my($old_raw) = shift; $self->save_old_hit($old_hit, $old_raw); # Make a new hit. return (new WWW::SearchResult, ''); } # private sub native_retrieve_some { my ($self) = @_; # fast exit if already done return undef if (!defined($self->{_next_url})); # get some print STDERR "WWW::Search::AltaVista::native_retrieve_some: fetching " . $self->{_next_url} . "\n" if ($self->{_debug}); my($response) = $self->http_request('GET', $self->{_next_url}); $self->{response} = $response; if (!$response->is_success) { return undef; }; # parse the output my($HEADER, $HITS, $INHIT, $TRAILER, $POST_NEXT) = (1..10); # order matters my($hits_found) = 0; my($state) = ($HEADER); my($hit) = undef; my($raw) = ''; foreach ($self->split_lines($response->content())) { next if m@^$@; # short circuit for blank lines ###### # HEADER PARSING: find the number of hits # if (0) { } elsif ($state == $HEADER && /no document matching/i) { # 25-Oct-99 $self->approximate_result_count(0); $state = $TRAILER; } elsif ($state == $HEADER && /([\d,]+) pages? found/i) { # 25-Oct-99 my($n) = $1; $n =~ s/,//g; $self->approximate_result_count($n); $state = $HITS; print STDERR "PARSE(10:HEADER->HITS): $n documents found.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); ###### # HITS PARSING: find each hit # } elsif ($state == $HITS && /(word count:|query.*graphic version)/i) { $state = $TRAILER; print STDERR "PARSE(11:HITS->TRAILER): done.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); } elsif ($state == $HITS && /
/i) { # 25-Oct-99 ($hit, $raw) = $self->begin_new_hit($hit, $raw); $hits_found++; $raw .= $_; $state = $INHIT; print STDERR "PARSE(12:HITS->INHIT): hit start.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); } elsif ($state == $INHIT && /^add_url($1); print STDERR "PARSE(13:INHIT): url: $1.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); } elsif ($state == $INHIT && /^(.+)<\/b>.*<\/dt>/i) { # 25-Oct-99 $raw .= $_; my($title) = $1; # $title =~ s/<\/?em>//ig; # strip keyword emphasis (use raw if you want to get it bacK) $hit->title($title); print STDERR "PARSE(13:INHIT): title: $1.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); } elsif ($state == $INHIT && /^
(.*)<\/dd>/i) { # 25-Oct-99 $raw .= $_; $hit->description($1); print STDERR "PARSE(13:INHIT): description.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); } elsif ($state == $INHIT && /^Last modified on: (.*)$/i) { # 25-Oct-99 $raw .= $_; $hit->change_date($1); print STDERR "PARSE(13:INHIT): mod date.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); } elsif ($state == $INHIT && /^<\/dl>/i) { # 25-Oct-99 $raw .= $_; ($hit, $raw) = $self->save_old_hit($hit, $raw); $state = $HITS; print STDERR "PARSE(13:INHIT->HITS): end hit.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); } elsif ($state == $INHIT) { # other random stuff in a hit---accumulate it $raw .= $_; print STDERR "PARSE(14:INHIT): no match.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); print STDERR ' 'x 12, "$_\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 3); } elsif ($hits_found && ($state == $TRAILER || $state == $HITS) && /]+href="([^"]+)".*\>\>/i) { # " # (above, note the trick $hits_found so we don't prematurely terminate.) # set up next page my($relative_url) = $1; # hack: make sure fmt=d stays on news URLs $relative_url =~ s/what=news/what=news\&fmt=d/ if ($relative_url !~ /fmt=d/i); my($n) = new URI::URL($relative_url, $self->{_base_url}); $n = $n->abs; $self->{_next_url} = $n; $state = $POST_NEXT; print STDERR "PARSE(15:->POST_NEXT): found next, $n.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); } else { # accumulate raw $raw .= $_; print STDERR "PARSE(RAW): $_\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 3); }; }; if ($state != $POST_NEXT) { # end, no other pages (missed ``next'' tag) if ($state == $HITS) { $self->begin_new_hit($hit, $raw); # save old one print STDERR "PARSE: never got to TRAILER.\n" if ($self->{_debug} >= 2); }; $self->{_next_url} = undef; }; # sleep so as to not overload altavista $self->user_agent_delay if (defined($self->{_next_url})); return $hits_found; } 1;