Seminars and Events

Artificial Intelligence Seminar

Causation and Influence in Causal Influence Models

Event Details

This talk is meant to be an opinionated overview of recent developments in the philosophy of causation. It will begin by distinguishing two different kinds of causal relations: causation, on the one hand, and influence, on the other. Influence is a relation holding between variables and causation is a relation holding between the values of variables. Influence is importantly related to the relation of control; whereas causation is importantly related to the attribution of moral and legal responsibility. There have been many recent attempts to give a theory of these relations using what I will call ‘Causal Influence Models’ (these models are closely related to ‘causal influence diagrams’; they are otherwise known as ‘causal models’). These attempts have taught us an important lesson: any adequate theory of causation or influence will need more information than a causal influence model on its own is able to give us. I will briefly discuss what the missing factor might be.

February 7, 2025

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Host: Eric Boxer
POC: Maura Covaci

Speaker Bio

Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern California. Before coming to USC, held a visiting position at the National University of Singapore. Has held positions at the late Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, the University of Pittsburgh, and New York University. Received my Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2014.

"I mostly think and write about the metaphysics of causation and chance, the rational norms governing credence and choice, and the connections between those topics. I have teaching interests in the philosophy of science, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of economics, and logic."