Class DecodedDateTime

  extended by edu.isi.stella.Stella_Object
      extended by edu.isi.stella.StandardObject
          extended by edu.isi.stella.DecodedDateTime

public class DecodedDateTime
extends StandardObject

A data structure for holding decoded time values with fields for easy access of the components.

Field Summary
 int dateTimeDay
 Keyword dateTimeDow
 int dateTimeHour
 double dateTimeMillis
 int dateTimeMinute
 int dateTimeMonth
 int dateTimeSecond
 int dateTimeYear
 double dateTimeZone
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Stella_Object accessDecodedDateTimeSlotValue(DecodedDateTime self, Symbol slotname, Stella_Object value, boolean setvalueP)
 java.lang.String decodedDateTimeToIso8601String()
          Returns an ISO-8601 string representation of date The Format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz, with the string stopping at when a null value is first encountered.
 CalendarDate encodeCalendarDate()
          Returns a calendar date object for timeStructure.
 int hashCode_()
          Return a hash code for self (can be negative).
 void mergeNullFields(DecodedDateTime renamed_Default)
          Replace any null valued fields in self with values from renamed_Default.
 void mergeSuperiorNullFields(DecodedDateTime renamed_Default)
          Replace only null valued fields in self that represent larger time units than the smallest non-null in self with values from renamed_Default.
static DecodedDateTime newDecodedDateTime()
static void now(DecodedDateTime parsedValues, DecodedDateTime defaultValues)
static DecodedDateTime parseDateTime(java.lang.String dateTimeString, int start, int end, boolean errorOnMismatchP)
          Tries very hard to make sense out of the argument dateTimeString and returns a time structure if successful.
static DecodedDateTime parseDateTimeInTimeZone(java.lang.String dateTimeString, double timeZone, int start, int end, boolean errorOnMismatchP)
          Tries very hard to make sense out of the argument dateTimeString and returns a time structure if successful.
static DecodedDateTime parseDateTimeRelativeToBase(java.lang.String dateTimeString, DecodedDateTime baseDateTime, int start, int end, boolean errorOnMismatchP, boolean mergeNullFieldsP)
          Tries very hard to make sense out of the argument dateTimeString and returns a time structure if successful.
 Surrogate primaryType()
          Returns the primary type of self.
 void setCurrentDate()
          Sets the current date into valuesStructure
 void setCurrentDateTime()
          Sets the current date and time into valuesStructure
 void setCurrentTime()
          Sets the current time into valuesStructure
static DecodedDateTime stringToDecodedDateTime(java.lang.String input)
          Returns a decoded date-time object representing the date and time parsed from the input string.
static void today(DecodedDateTime parsedValues, DecodedDateTime defaultValues)
static void tomorrow(DecodedDateTime parsedValues, DecodedDateTime defaultValues)
static void yesterday(DecodedDateTime parsedValues, DecodedDateTime defaultValues)
Methods inherited from class edu.isi.stella.StandardObject
arrayTypeSpecifierP, baseTypeToTypeSpec, cantOverwriteActiveCollectionSlot, compatibleParameterTypesP, computeAnchoredTypeSpec, computeRelativeTypeSpec, conformingTypeSpecP, copyWrappedLiteral, cppNonPointerTypeP, cppReferenceTypeP, cppReferencizeType, cppTranslateAndPointerizeTypeSpec, cppTranslateAndReferencizeTypeSpec, cppTranslateTypeSpec, cppTypeWithoutInteriorPointersP, dropSlotValue, extractParameterType, extractRequiredArgumentValues, getSlot, idlTranslateTypeSpec, inverseSlotDemon, javaLiteralP, javaNativeLiteralWrapperNames, javaSpecialSetterName, javaTranslateArrayOfTypeSpec, javaTranslateTypeSpec, javaTranslateTypeSpecForFunction, javaTranslateTypeSpecHelper, javaYieldClassObjectArrayExpression, javaYieldClassObjectExpression, javaYieldFullyQualifiedTypeName, javaYieldTranslatedClassAndMethodNames, listifyTypeSpec, lookupClTypeFromStellaType, objectEqlP, putSlotValue, readSlotValue, runConstructorDemons, runDestructorDemons, runSlotDemons, runSlotGuardDemonsP, standardObjectP, subTypeSpecOfP, twoArgumentLeastCommonSupertype, typeSpecToBaseType, typeSpecToClass, typeToWalkedNullValueTree, validateTypeSpecifier, voidP, walkTypeSpecIsNativeTypeP, writeSlotValue, yieldTypeSpecTree
Methods inherited from class edu.isi.stella.Stella_Object
_, accessInContext, addPropertyValue, amPm, anchoredTypeSpecifierP, andOrNotTreeP, applyCoercionMethod, atomicExpressionP, bindToSurrogateP, booleanP, bootstrapIsaP, bquotify, cast, characterP, chooseSortPredicate, clConditionalizeTypeDeclarationTree, clTranslateAtomicTree, clTranslateATree, clTranslateBooleanTest, clTranslatePlainBooleanTest, clTranslateVerbatimBodySymbols, clYieldTypedExpressionTree, coerceATree, coerceEvaluatedTree, coerceMvTree, coerceOptionValue, coerceToBoolean, coerceToFloat, coerceToHashSet, coerceToModule, coerceToModuleName, coerceToString, coerceToSymbol, coerceToXmlElement, coerceValueToBoolean, coerceValueToFloat, coerceValueToString, coerceValueToType, coercibleP, collectFeatureList, collectKeyValueList, commonLispSymbolP, computeExpressionType, consify, consifyListsAndIterators, consP, consTreeMatchP, convertToLiteral, copyConsTree, cppArgumentIsStreamP, cppBinaryOperatorP, cppBlockP, cppMaybeOutputStatementWithParentheses, cppOperatorP, cppOutputAtomicExpression, cppOutputLiteral, cppOutputOneActualParameter, cppOutputStatement, cppOutputTypedEntity, cppPrognifyStatement, cppPrognP, cppStatementToList, cppStreamIsStandardOutputP, cpptrans, cppTranslateAtomicTree, cppTranslateATree, cppTranslatedArrayTypeP, csValueP, dateDivider, dateTimeDivider, day, dealWithAmPm, dealWithEra, dealWithNoonMidn, decrementReferenceCount, defaultOptionHandler, defineSystem, defmodule, deletedP, describe, describeObject, describeTersely, destructureMethodNameTree, deUglifyParseTree, either, eqlP, eqlToBooleanP, eqlToCharacterP, eqlToFloatP, eqlToIntegerP, eqlToLongIntegerP, eqlToStringP, equalConsTreesP, equalHashCode, equalP, era, estimatedEvaluationCost, evaluate, evaluateArgumentTree, evaluateAtomicTree, evaluateCommand, expandBquoteTree, filterModuleP, floatP, free, get, getObject, getProperty, hashlist, hashMemoizedArguments, helpBquotify, helpClTranslateATree, helpCoerceATree, helpLptrans, helpPrintOutline, helpTransformBooleanProceduralExpression, helpWalkATree, homeModule, hour, idlOutputAtomicExpression, idlOutputLiteral, idlOutputStatement, idlTranslateAtomicTree, idlTranslateATree, illegalTreeP, implodePathname, incrementallyTranslate, incrementReferenceCount, inlineUnwrapBoolean, inlineWrapBoolean, inModule, integerP, isaP, javaBinaryOperatorP, javaBlockP, javaEndOfLineTokenP, javaHelpOutputPrintStream, javaMaybeOutputStatementWithParentheses, javaOperatorP, javaOutputLiteral, javaOutputStatement, javaPrognP, javaStreamIsStandardOutputP, javaSymbolCaseP, javaTranslateAtomicTree, javaTranslateATree, javaTranslateWithNativeWrapper, jptrans, keywordP, legalTokenizerFromStateP, legalTokenizerStateP, legalTokenizerToStateP, literalEqlP, logLevelLE, longIntegerP, lptrans, makeEvaluatableBquoteTree, makeFileNameFromRelativePath, makeMemoizedValueEntry, makeMemoizedValueEntryn, matchConsTree, methodSlotP, minute, month, nameToString, nilP, noonMidn, numberWrapperToFloat, objectEqualP, objectHashCode, one, oneI, onlyIf, parametricTypeSpecifierP, parseArrayDimensionsSpec, parseOptions, parseTokenizerCharacterSpec, parseTokenizerStateModifiers, permanentCopy, permanentify, permanentifyForm, po, prettyPrintLiteral, primaryClass, printObject, printOutline, printStellaCode, printStellaDefinition, printUndefinedSuperClasses, proceduralExpressionP, ptrans, publicSlots, registerRecycledItem, runOptionHandlerP, safeEqualHashCode, safeHashCode, safePrimaryType, safeYieldTypeSpecifier, searchConsTreeP, searchConsTreeWithFilterP, searchForObject, secondp, setProperty, sideEffectFreeExpressionP, simplifyBquoteTree, specialp, stella_Increment, stellaClassP, stellaCollectionP, stellaNeedToCompileP, stellaNeedToTranslateP, stellaObjectP, stellify, storageSlotP, stringifyInModule, stringP, substituteConsTree, substituteOnce, surrogateP, surrogatify, sweep, symbolCaseP, symbolP, sysTree, targetLanguageType, taxonomyIsaP, timeDivider, timeMultiply, tokenizerIncludeSpecP, tokenizerToStateAlias, tokenizerToStateName, toString, traceIf, traceKeywordP, transientifyForm, transientObjectP, transientSymbolP, translateWalkedTree, treeSize, treeToTrees, trueOptionP, tryToEvaluate, typeP, typify, unmake, unregisterRecycledItem, updateInContext, valuesTreeP, variableExpressionP, verbatimStringP, verbatimTreeP, vetOptions, vrletExpressionP, walkAtomicTree, walkATree, walkCollectionTree, walkDontCallMeTree, walkedExpressionExpression, walkedExpressionType, walkExpressionTree, walkMvExpressionTree, walkMvTree, walkStatement, walkTopLevelExpression, walkWithoutTypeTree, warnAboutUnknownSourceType, weekday, withinContext, withinModule, withinWorld, withStellaTokenizer, withSystemDefinition, withTokenizer, wrapperP, wrapWhereTest, xmlAttributeP, xmlBaseAttributeP, xmlCdataFormP, xmlCdataP, xmlDeclarationFormP, xmlDeclarationP, xmlDoctypeFormP, xmlElementFormP, xmlElementP, xmlGlobalAttributeP, xmlLocalAttributeP, xmlnsAttributeP, xmlProcessingInstructionFormP, xmlProcessingInstructionP, xmlTagCase, year, yieldCondTest, yieldCondTestOrTests, yieldHardcodedCaseSymbolIdOrIds, yieldInCursorClausesForArgumentList, yieldInCursorClausesForGeneralCollection, yieldInCursorClausesForVector, yieldTypeSpecifier, zone, zoneMinute
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public double dateTimeMillis


public int dateTimeSecond


public int dateTimeMinute


public int dateTimeHour


public int dateTimeDay


public int dateTimeMonth


public int dateTimeYear


public double dateTimeZone


public Keyword dateTimeDow
Constructor Detail


public DecodedDateTime()
Method Detail


public static DecodedDateTime stringToDecodedDateTime(java.lang.String input)
Returns a decoded date-time object representing the date and time parsed from the input string. If no valid parse is found, null is returned.

input -


public static DecodedDateTime parseDateTime(java.lang.String dateTimeString,
                                            int start,
                                            int end,
                                            boolean errorOnMismatchP)
Tries very hard to make sense out of the argument dateTimeString and returns a time structure if successful. If not, it returns null. If errorOnMismatchP is true, parse-date-time will signal an error instead of returning null. Default values are 00:00:00 local time on the current date

dateTimeString -
start -
end -
errorOnMismatchP -


public static DecodedDateTime parseDateTimeInTimeZone(java.lang.String dateTimeString,
                                                      double timeZone,
                                                      int start,
                                                      int end,
                                                      boolean errorOnMismatchP)
Tries very hard to make sense out of the argument dateTimeString and returns a time structure if successful. If not, it returns null. If errorOnMismatchP is true, parse-date-time will signal an error instead of returning null. Default values are 00:00:00 in the given timezone on the current date. If the given timeZone value is null, then the local time zone for the given date and time will be used as determined by the operating system.

dateTimeString -
timeZone -
start -
end -
errorOnMismatchP -


public static DecodedDateTime parseDateTimeRelativeToBase(java.lang.String dateTimeString,
                                                          DecodedDateTime baseDateTime,
                                                          int start,
                                                          int end,
                                                          boolean errorOnMismatchP,
                                                          boolean mergeNullFieldsP)
Tries very hard to make sense out of the argument dateTimeString and returns a time structure if successful. If not, it returns null. If errorOnMismatchP is true, parse-date-time will signal an error instead of returning null. Default values are passed in via baseDateTime. If the timezone field that is passed in is NULL, then the local time zone for the parsed date/time will be used. If mergeNullFieldsP is true, then default values from baseTimeDate will be merged into missing components. If false, then they won't be merged in for null components but can still be used as a basis for interpreatation of relative time strings like "now" or "yesterday"

dateTimeString -
baseDateTime -
start -
end -
errorOnMismatchP -
mergeNullFieldsP -


public static DecodedDateTime newDecodedDateTime()


public static void now(DecodedDateTime parsedValues,
                       DecodedDateTime defaultValues)


public static void tomorrow(DecodedDateTime parsedValues,
                            DecodedDateTime defaultValues)


public static void today(DecodedDateTime parsedValues,
                         DecodedDateTime defaultValues)


public static void yesterday(DecodedDateTime parsedValues,
                             DecodedDateTime defaultValues)


public CalendarDate encodeCalendarDate()
Returns a calendar date object for timeStructure.



public void mergeSuperiorNullFields(DecodedDateTime renamed_Default)
Replace only null valued fields in self that represent larger time units than the smallest non-null in self with values from renamed_Default. The day of the week will be set consistently, if possible. Example: if self just has the month being non-null, then only the year will be filled in from renamed_Default. If the day and minute were non-null, then hour, month and year will be filled.

This can be useful when one doesn't want to extend the precision of the answer.

renamed_Default -


public void mergeNullFields(DecodedDateTime renamed_Default)
Replace any null valued fields in self with values from renamed_Default. The day of the week will be set consistently, if possible.

renamed_Default -


public java.lang.String decodedDateTimeToIso8601String()
Returns an ISO-8601 string representation of date The Format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz, with the string stopping at when a null value is first encountered. The time zone will only be included (if present) if a time value is given.



public void setCurrentDateTime()
Sets the current date and time into valuesStructure


public void setCurrentDate()
Sets the current date into valuesStructure


public void setCurrentTime()
Sets the current time into valuesStructure


public int hashCode_()
Description copied from class: Stella_Object
Return a hash code for self (can be negative). Two objects that are eqlP are guaranteed to generate the same hash code. Two objects that are not eqlP do not necessarily generate different hash codes.

hashCode_ in class StandardObject


public static Stella_Object accessDecodedDateTimeSlotValue(DecodedDateTime self,
                                                           Symbol slotname,
                                                           Stella_Object value,
                                                           boolean setvalueP)


public Surrogate primaryType()
Description copied from class: Stella_Object
Returns the primary type of self. Gets defined automatically for every non-abstract subclass of OBJECT.

primaryType in class Stella_Object