Loom® 4.0 Release Notes

One major change and a number of smaller changes have been made. The major change in Loom® 4.0 is the addition of units and dimensions as a fundamental data type.

Other changes are an extension of the meta-level predicates, particularly for roles and role values. More support for qualified relations has been added. Regular expression and wildcard searching of object names has been added. The input language has been extended with two new operators, :the-list and :the-list* in order to make the construction of lists of Loom objects much simpler. Also, Loom now supports both open and closed intervals (previously only closed intervals were properly supported). Documentation for the :roles keyword is included.

Context creation has been made faster and there are other improvements "under the hood" as far as performance and some extension of Loom's inference abilities.

Loom 4.0 will be the last release of the Loom language. All future development will involve the PowerLoom® language.

The source files are available through our web site:


or from the ftp server at isi.edu under the account name "loomftp" using the standard loomftp password. The files are available in Unix tar format and Macintosh compress binhex format. The file names are:

        loom4.0.tar                Unix tar file
        loom4.0.tar.gz             GZip Compressed Unix tar file
        Loom4.0.sea.hqx            Macintosh binhex file 

As always, remember to transfer the *.tar file in binary mode. Installation instructions for all systems can be found in the file



  1. :THE-LIST and :THE-LIST*
  2. Open and Closed Intervals
  3. Qualified Relations
  4. :ROLES keyword
  5. Instance Roles Added
  6. Changes to the TBox
  7. Changes to Loom Functions
  8. Regular Expressions and Wildcards
  9. Units and Dimensions
  10. New and Changed Loom-Features
  11. OKBC Support


To make it easier to construct lists that include Loom objects, two new operators have been introduced. Previously the only way to have a single value which was a list of Loom objects was to use one of the functional calls like SET-VALUES or FSET-VALUES. The new operators create a list of their contents after Loom's normal parsing. These operators parallel the Common Lisp LIST and LIST* functions. Examples:

        (tell (r fred (:the-list 'billy william (:the-list 'jim james))))

        (retrieve ?x (r fred ?x))
          => ((BILLY |I|WILLIAM (JIM |I|JAMES)))

        (retrieve ?y (= ?y (:the-list (:the-list* 1 2 3) 'g james)))
          => (((1 2 . 3) G |I|JAMES))

        (retrieve ?x (r ?x (:the-list 'billy william (:the-list 'jim james))))
          => (|I|FRED)


Loom now supports both open and closed intervals. The previous support for intervals supported only closed intervals via the :THROUGH keyword. Open intervals were handled by either producing closed intervals (if possible, for example with integer intervals) or by using approximations to the open interval based by exploiting the limits of precision of floating point numbers. The reason this is an issue for Loom users is that Loom would tranforms a definition that looked like:

(defconcept foo :is (:and bar (> r 3) (< r 10)))

into an equivalent form with a value restriction:

(defconcept foo :is (:and bar (:all r (:through 4 9)))) ;; Loom 3.0

With Loom 4.0, four new interval creating operators are introduced and the :THROUGH operator has been declared obsolete. If it is encountered a nagging message will appear, but the code will continue to function. The new operators are:

        :INTERVAL++     Closed interval.
        :INTERVAL+-     Semi-open.  Open at the high end.
        :INTERVAL-+     Semi-open.  Open at the low end.
        :INTERVAL--     Open interval.
The naming convention is that there are two symbols at the end of the operator name. A "+" indicates that the value is part of the interval and a "-" indicates that the value is not part of the interval. The precise semantics are:

        x is in (:interval++ a b) iff a <= x <= b
        x is in (:interval+- a b) iff a <= x <  b
        x is in (:interval-+ a b) iff a <  x <= b
        x is in (:interval-- a b) iff a <  x <  b
In Loom 4.0, the definitions

        (defconcept foo :is (:and bar (> r 3) (< r 10)))
        (defconcept baz :is (:and bar (> r 1.7) (<= r 12.6)))
is transformed into

        (defconcept foo :is (:and bar (:all r (:interval-- 3 10))))
        (defconcept baz :is (:and bar (:all r (:interval-+ 1.7 12.6))))
Note that BAZ subsumes FOO.


In addition to relations, Loom also offers the ability to place restrictions on qualified relations. A qualified relation is a relation restricted to a particular range. A relation R restricted by qualification Q is the same as the relation defined by (:and R (:range Q)). For convenience, Loom number and type restriction operators allow specification of qualified relations. One type of qualified relation is very common and has had a long-standing short form: :SOME restrictions:

(:some R C) <=> (:at-least 1 R C)

One can also introduce restrictions with other numbers, such as

(:at-least 2 child Male) to define someone with >= 2 boys.

The trickiest one conceptually is the :ALL type restriction. Partially that is because the qualification comes last in the form (since it is the optional part of the syntax).

        (:all R C Q)    means that all fillers of R which happen to be of type
                        Q must be of type C.  Fillers that are not of type Q
                        may or may not be of type C.
Contrast that with

        (:all R (:and C Q))  means that all fillers of R must be of type Q and
                             of type C
A concrete example would be:

        (defconcept Unenlightened-Corporation
           :is (:and Corporation
                     (:all employee Male Manager))
           :annotations ((documentation "An unenlightened corporation is one
      in which all of the employees who are managers are Male.")))

A number of meta-predicates and functions have been added to make it easier to use qualified relations and do reasoning about them. The details are in the section on TBOX changes (look for relations with the word "QUALIFIED" in them) and also in the changes to Loom functions section (look for the keyword argument "qualification").


The :roles keyword was introduced in Loom 2.0 to make a frame-like syntax possible for those users who preferred that modeling paradigm. The keyword was never completely documented. Since then there have been some extensions to the syntax. The complete specification of the :roles keyword is as follows:

   :roles (
           ( :min               ; Minimum cardinality
                       :max               ; Maximum cardinality
                       :type          ; Type of Role Range
                       :value           ; One filler of Role.
                                               ;    appear multiple times.
                       :default         ; One default filler of Role. Can 
                                               ;    appear multiple times.
                       :function         ; Functional definition of Role.
                       :predicate        ; Predicate for checking role as
                                               ;    Tuple.
                           (( ) ...)   ; Annotations on the Role
                           (  ...) ; Role Characteristics currently
                                               ;    only :virtual is legal

Role specifications are not part of the definition of a concept, so they are not used in concept classification. They do introduce constraints that are checked when incoherence is being detected. Also, roles introduced by the :ROLES keyword are returned by the GET-ROLES function. If the is not defined separately with DEFRELATION, Loom will create a definition. The default definition will be for either a single valued or multiple valued relation. This behavior is controlled by the Loom feature :MAKE-ROLES-SINGLE-VALUED, which is SET by default.

If a simple role name appears, then that means that the associated relation is considered a role of that concept. There are no other implications. In particular, there may be zero fillers of the role.

A more detailed explanation of the role keywords

        (R :min i)   implies (:at-least i R)
        (R :max i)   implies (:at-most i R)
        (R :type C)  implies (:all R C)

        (R :value i1 :value i2)         implies (:filled-by R i1 i2)
        (R :default i1 :default i2)    defaults (:filled-by R i1 i2)
          Note:  Loom defaults are inference defaults and not initial values.

        (R :function f)  means to use function f to compute the values for
                this role.  f should either be a generic function name or
                a lambda expression that takes one argument.
        (R :predicate p)  means to use function p to determine if a tuple
                belongs to this role.  p should either be a generic function
                name or a lambda expression that takes two arguments.
        (R :facets ((documentation "This is a documentation string")
                    (P p-value)
                    (q q-value)))
             Facets are annotations on the role object.  They can be queried
                like any Loom assertions.  The role object itself can be
                referenced in a query using the THE-ROLE relation.

        (R :characteristics (:virtual))   :VIRTUAL the only supported
                        characteristic at this time.  It is only used to
                        suppress the creation of a real CLOS slot on the CLOS
                        class associated with this concept if CLOS instances
                        are being used.


  (defrelation p :characteristics (:multiple-valued))  ;; Override default
  (defconcept foo
    :roles ((p :min 2 :max 3 :value 4 :value 5 :default 10)
            (q :facets ((documentation "This is role Q on Foo")))))
  (defconcept bar :roles ((r :type (:and integer (:interval+- 1 5)))))

  (setq foo.p (get-role 'foo 'p))
     => |ROLE|(P 2 3 THING)
  (all-values foo.p)
     => (5 4 10)
  (strict-values foo.p)
     => (4 5)
  (default-values foo.p)
     => (10)
  (min-value foo.p)
     => NIL
  (min-cardinality foo.p)
     => 2
  (max-cardinality foo.p)
     => 3
  (cardinality foo.p)
     => NIL              ; Since 2 /= 3

  (retrieve ?d (documentation (the-role 'foo 'q) ?d))
     => ("This is role Q on Foo")

  (setq bar.r (get-role 'bar 'r))
     => |ROLE|(R 0 1 INTEGER)
  (min-value bar.r)     
     => 1   1          ; Second value is NIL if the minimum value is a limit
                       ;    and non-NIL if it is an exact bound.
  (max-value bar.r)
     => 5   NIL        ; Second value is NIL if the maximum value is a limit
                       ;    and non-NIL if it is an exact bound.
  (all-values bar.r)
     => NIL

The role objects have the following functions available for use. There are also corresponding relations for use in the query language:

CONCEPT role            the object (concept) the role is defined on
RELATION role           the relation for this role object
TYPES role              the type restriction on fillers of this role
MIN-CARDINALITY role    the minimum cardinality for this role           
MAX-CARDINALITY role    the maximum cardinality for this role           
CARDINALITY role        the cardinality of the role (if it exists)
MIN-VALUE role          the minimum value, and a flag if inclusive
MAX-VALUE role          the maximum value, and a flag if inclusive
ALL-VALUES role         all fillers
STRICT-VALUES role      only strict (required) fillers
DEFAULT-VALUES role     only default fillers


In addition to the roles on concepts, support for role objects have also been added for instances. This is in part to support the OKBC notion of facets on "own" slots. This means that the GET-ROLES function will now work on instances as well as concepts. GET-ROLES on concepts continues to work as it did before, namely to retrieve what are known as in OKBC terms as "template" slots.

A new functions GET-INSTANCE-ROLE has been added. This will return (and create if necessary), an instance role on the object. The function GET-ROLES has been extended with a new keyword argument :INSTANCE-ROLE-ON-CONCEPT-P, which allows the retrieval of all instance roles on concepts.

If you are not using OKBC, then this change should not be of any concern.

The following function was added in support of instance roles

INSTANCE role           the object (instance) the role is defined on
                        it is actually a synonym for CONCEPT.


These changes represent changes from Loom 3.0 to Loom 4.0. You are advised to consult the Loom 3.0 release notes for additional changes from the reference manual. The most extensive change on the concept side is the addition of numeric and semi-numeric concepts to support the measures and dimensions. There has also been an expansion of relations to provide better access to meta-information as well as to support the units and dimensions. The measures-related information is presented in its own section below.

The constants are changed around a bit. All constant types are disjoint unless they are in a subsumption relations. In particular, this means that FLOATING-POINT-NUMBER and INTEGER are disjoint. The new hierarchy looks like:

         MEASURE ... (see section Units and Dimensions)

The other changes are detailed below. The notation (RO) means the relation is read-only. "R", "C" and "Q" refer to "Relation", "Concept" and "Qualification" respectively. This is used in some of the abbreviations.




Concept   FLOATING-POINT-NUMBER         New subtype of number
Concept   MAX-RESTRICTION               Max cardinality restriction
Concept   MEASURE                       Measure Object (Units & Dimensions)
Concept   MEASUREMENT-CONCEPT           Meta Concept for Measures
Concept   MIN-RESTRICTION               Min cardinality restriction
Concept   OKBC-INDIVIDUAL               Support for OKBC
Concept   QUANTITY                      New supertype of number and Measure
Concept   RATIONAL-NUMBER               New subtype of number
Concept   RESTRICTION                   Restriction MetaObject
Concept   VALUE-RESTRICTION             Value restriction

Relation   ALL-VALUES                   Relation on ROLE for all fillers (RO)
Relation   BACKGROUND-FILE-NAME         Associates filename with context
Relation   DEFAULT-VALUES               Relation on ROLE for default fillers (RO)
Relation   DEFAULT-ROLE-VALUES          3-ary: default fillers of R on C (RO)
Relation   DEFAULT-QUALIFIED-ROLE-VALUES 4-ary: R x C x Q => default fillers
Relation   DIRECT-DEPENDENTS            Meta relation (no longer obsolete) (RO)
Relation   DISJOINT                     Relates disjoint concepts. (RO)
Relation   INCOHERENCE-REASON           Records Incoherence justification (RO)
Relation   MAX-VALUE                    Relation on ROLE for maximum value (RO)
Relation   MEASURE-OBJECT               
Relation   MIN-VALUE                    Relation on ROLE for maximum value (RO)
Relation   OKBC-PRETTY-NAME             OKBC support
Relation   OUTPUT-UNIT                  Annotation for GUI support.
Relation   PROPER-SUBRELATIONS          Subrelations not including SELF
Relation   PROPER-SUPERRELATIONS        Superrelations not including SELF
Relation   PROPOSITION-OPERATOR         
Relation   QUALIFICATION                Qualification of a RESTRICTION (RO)
Relation   QUALIFIED-ROLE-VALUES        4-ary: C x R x Q => all fillers
Relation   QUALIFIED-ROLE-TYPES         4-ary: C x R x Q => filler type
Relation   QUALIFIED-ROLE-CARDINALITY   4-ary: C x R x Q => cardinality
Relation   QUALIFIED-ROLE-MAX-CARDINALITY  4-ary: C x R x Q => max cardinality
Relation   QUALIFIED-ROLE-MIN-CARDINALITY  4-ary: C x R x Q => min cardinality
Relation   QUALIFIED-ROLE-MAX-VALUE     4-ary: C x R x Q => max value of filler
Relation   QUALIFIED-ROLE-MIN-VALUE     4-ary: C x R x Q => min value of filler
Relation   ROLE-MAX-VALUE               3-ary: Max value of relation on concept
Relation   ROLE-MIN-VALUE               3-ary: Min value of relation on concept
Relation   STRICT-VALUES                Relation on ROLE for strict fillers (RO)
Relation   STRICT-ROLE-VALUES           3-ary: Strict fillers of relation on concept
Relation   STRICT-QUALIFIED-ROLE-VALUES 4-ary: C x R x Q => strict fillers
Relation   THE-INSTANCE-ROLE            Gets an instance role
Relation   VALUE-TYPE                   3-ary: Value type of relation on concept


The following concepts and relations are now considered obsolete. They are no longer present in BUILT-IN-THEORY by default. If you wish to continue using them, you will need to explicitly set the Loom feature :load-obsolete-concepts:

(set-feature :load-obsolete-concepts)

At some point in the future (although maybe not in your lifetime :) these concepts and relations will disappear from Loom entirely.

This list has not changed significantly since Loom 3.0, although there are two additional equivalences and more information available from roles.

  Type           Old Name                    New Substitute
--------    ------------------          ------------------------
Concept     Old-Role                    
Concept     max-restriction             [Use Roles *]
Concept     max-restriction-p           max-restriction
Concept     min-restriction             [Use Roles *]
Concept     min-restriction-p           min-restriction
Concept     named-p                     user-defined
Concept     Restriction                 [Use Roles *]
Concept     restriction-p               restriction
Concept     value-restriction           [Use Roles *]
Concept     value-restriction-p         value-restriction
Property    primitive-p                 primitive
Property    single-valued-p             single-valued
Property    user-defined-p              user-defined
Relation    concept--attributes         characteristics
Relation    concept--characteristics    characteristics
Relation    concept--instances          instances
Relation    concept--name               loom::name
Relation    concept--restrictions       [Use Roles *] roles
Relation    direct-dependents           
Relation    direct-subconcept           direct-subrelations
Relation    direct-subconcepts          direct-subrelations
Relation    direct-superconcept         direct-superrelations
Relation    direct-superconcepts        direct-superrelations
Relation    has-role                    roles
Relation    instance--asserted-concepts 
Relation    instance--asserted-type     
Relation    instance--cached-concepts   
Relation    instance--concepts          instance-of
Relation    instance--forward-chaining-type     
Relation    instance--identifier        loom::name
Relation    instance--max-restriction   role-max-cardinality
Relation    instance--min-restriction   role-min-cardinality
Relation    instance--type              instance-of
Relation    instance--value-restriction role-types
Relation    instance-of-p               instance-of
Relation    isa-p                       isa
Relation    relation--domain            domain
Relation    relation--name              loom::name
Relation    relation--range             range
Relation    relation--restrictions      restrictions
Relation    restriction--concepts       [Use Roles *] concept
Relation    restriction--max            [Use Roles *] max-cardinality
Relation    restriction--min            [Use Roles *] min-cardinality
Relation    restriction--qualification  qualification
Relation    restriction--relation       [Use Roles *] relation
Relation    restriction--value-restriction      [Use Roles *] types
Relation    role--concept               concept
Relation    role--instance                     (Old Style Roles)
Relation    role--relation                     (Old Style Roles)
Relation    role--value                        (Old Style Roles)
Relation    subconcept*                 subrelations
Relation    subconcept+                 proper-subrelations
Relation    subconcepts                 subrelations
Relation    superconcept*               superrelations
Relation    superconcept+               proper-superrelations
Relation    superconcepts               superrelations

* [Use Roles] We are recommending not using the restrictions but using Role objects instead. Role objects can be retrieved using the binary relation "roles" on a concept to return all roles or the ternary relation "the-role" which returns a role object for a Concept, Relation pair. Once a role object is available, information about number and value restrictions can be obtained using the following relations:

    cardinality                 (Only has a value of min = max)
** There is no equivalent for these relations. If you are using them, please contact the loom development team and we will work something out.

*** The relation "the-relation" is a ternary (3-place) relation that relates a SYMBOL, NUMBER and CONCEPT/RELATION. The number is the arity of the relation. Concepts are considered unary relations. Using this form instead of the obsolete "name--relation" requires that you know the arity of the relation you wish to find, but it is probably a good idea to know that anyway. The most common relations are binary, so the arity would be 2. Examples:

   (retrieve ?c (the-relation 'concept 1 ?x))  ==>  (|C|CONCEPT)
   (retrieve ?c (the-relation 'domain 2 ?x))   ==>  (|R|DOMAIN)
   (retrieve ?c (the-relation '< 2 ?x))        ==>  (|R|<)
   (retrieve ?c (the-relation '+ 3 ?x))        ==>  (|R|+)


New Functions:

  Returns all fillers for "role".  This is the union of the strict and default

BASE-UNIT measure               

  Returns default fillers for "role".  This may not always be the same as the
  declared defaults, since any default fillers which are also strict fillers
  will NOT be returned by this function. 

DEFINE-MEASUREMENT-CONCEPT name example &key dont-define-synonym-p

DEFINE-PROPERTY &rest options
  A functional interface to the DEFPROPERTY macro.  This is just like
  DEFINE-CONCEPT, except that the :domain keyword is also supported.

DIMENSIONED-NUMBER quant unit                   

FIND-OBJECTS objectOrName &key type local-p no-warning-p ignore-package-p
                               context match

GET-EXPLICITLY-DECLARED-ROLES conceptOrName &key direct-p
  Return a list of explicitly-declared roles (including inherited roles unless
  `direct-p' is non-NIL) for the concept `conceptOrName'.  A role is explicitly
  declared if it appears in a :roles clause.

GET-INSTANCE-ROLE instance relation
  Return an instance role for relation `relation' on `instance'.  This is similar
  the function `GET-ROLE', but returns a role specifically for this instance.
GET-ROLE-MAX-VALUE conceptOrInstance relation &key qualification
  Returns the maximum numeric value that "relation" with optional
  "qualification" has on "conceptOrInstance".  If no such maximum is 
  known, then NIL is returned.
GET-ROLE-MIN-VALUE conceptOrInstance relation &key qualification
  Returns the minimum numeric value that "relation" with optional
  "qualification" has on "conceptOrInstance".  If no such minimum is 
  known, then NIL is returned.

  Returns the maximum numeric value of "role".  If no such maximum is 
  known, then NIL is returned.  Operates on role objects.

  Returns the maximum numeric value of "role".  If no such maximum is 
  known, then NIL is returned.  Operates on role objects.

  Returns non-NIL if "object" is a PROPERTY (a unary relation defined using 

  Returns non-NIL if "object" is a skolem instance (created with

  Returns strict (required) fillers for "role".

UNIT-MAGNITUDE dimensionedNumber                
UNIT-UNIT dimensionedNumber                     
UNIT-VALUE-AS dimensionedNumber desiredUnit     
UNITS measure                                   

  Returns strict (required) fillers for "role".  

Additional Arguments:

CREATION-POLICY  &optional contextOrPolicy policy
  Changed creation-policy to allow specifying the context.  The first argument
  is now either a context, context-name or policy keyword.  If the first is a
  policy keyword, then the current context is used.  The second argument is a
  policy keyword, but is only used if the first argument is a context.  As
  before, a call with no arguments returns the policy of the current context.
  A call with only the context argument returns the policy of the specified

FIND-CONTEXT contextOrName &key error-p match

GET-ROLE objectOrName relationOrName &key no-error-p
GET-ROLES conceptOrInstanceOrName &key instance-role-on-concept-p
  Added "instance-role-on-concept-p" keyword argument.  If non-NIL, then
  instead of getting the normal roles for concepts, instance roles are
  returned.   Also, the first argument can now be something other than a
  concept, in which case instance roles are returned.

GET-TYPES instanceOrName &key direct-p asserted-p raw-p
  Added keyword argument ":raw-p".  Normally this function returns only
  user-defined concepts as types.  If :raw-p is non-NIL, then Loom
  internal concepts will be returned instead.

GET-VALUE instanceOrName roleOrName &key context kb asserted-p direct-p
                                         no-error-p no-defaults-p
  Added keyword ":no-defaults-p", which will return only the values of the role
  that do not require default reasoning.  

GET-VALUES instanceOrName roleOrName &key context kb asserted-p direct-p
                                         no-error-p no-defaults-p
  Added keyword ":no-defaults-p", which will return only the values of the role
  that do not require default reasoning.

GET-SUPERRELATIONS relationOrName &key direct-p raw-p proper-p
GET-SUBRELATIONS relationOrName &key direct-p raw-p proper-p
GET-SUPERCONCEPTS conceptOrName &key direct-p raw-p proper-p
GET-SUBCONCEPTS conceptOrName &key direct-p raw-p proper-p
  Added the keywords ":raw-p" and ":proper-p".  The :raw-p keyword, if non-NIL,
  specifies that concepts that are not user-defined will also be returned in
  the list of supers or subs.  The :proper-p keyword, if non-NIL, means that
  the relation or concept itself will NOT be returned.  Normally, the subs and
  supers lists include the concept or relation itself.

GET-ROLE-TYPES object relation &key qualification raw-p
  Added the keywords ":raw-p" and ":qualification".  The :raw-p keyword, if non-NIL,
  specifies that concepts that are not user-defined will also be returned.
  The :qualification keyword is used to allow asking about qualified relations.
    (defconcept a :is (:and c (:all r (:and x y))))
    (defconcept b :is (:and c (> r 3)))

    (get-role-types (fc c) (fr r) :raw-p nil)   ==>  (|C|X  C|Y|)
    (get-role-types (fc c) (fr r) :raw-p t)     ==>  (|C|X&Y|)

    (get-role-types (fc b) (fr r) :raw-p nil)   ==>  (|C|NUMBER)
    (get-role-types (fc b) (fr r) :raw-p t) 
         ==>    (|C|LOOM::NUMBER_0002(:INTERVAL+- '-INFINITY 3))
    (defconcept k :is (:and c (:all r x y)))

    (get-role-types (fc k) (fr r) :qualification NIL)     ==> (|C|THING)
    (get-role-types (fc k) (fr r) :qualification (fc y))  ==> (|C|X)

GET-ROLE-MIN-CARDINALITY object relation &key qualification
GET-ROLE-MAX-CARDINALITY object relation &key qualification
GET-ROLE-CARDINALITY object relation &key qualification
GET-ROLE-VALUES object relation &key qualification
GET-ROLE-STRICT-VALUES object relation &key qualification
GET-ROLE-DEFAULT-VALUES object relation &key qualification
  Added the keyword argument ":qualification".  Used to get information about
  the qualified role rather than the role at large.
    (defconcept k :is (:and c (:at-least 1 r x) (:at-most 3 r x)))

    (get-role-min-cardinality (fc c) (fr r) :qualification NIL)    => 1
    (get-role-min-cardinality (fc c) (fr r) :qualification (fc x)) => 1
    (get-role-min-cardinality (fc c) (fr r) :qualification (fc y)) => 0
    (get-role-max-cardinality (fc c) (fr r) :qualification NIL)    => NIL
    (get-role-max-cardinality (fc c) (fr r) :qualification (fc x)) => 3
    (get-role-max-cardinality (fc c) (fr r) :qualification (fc y)) => NIL


The FIND-... functions have been modified to expand their search capabilities. If the extended search capabilities are taken advantage of, then the value returned by the FIND-... functions will be lists rather than single objects. Care was taken to not change the return value if the arguments are given as in previous Loom versions.

The "match" argument to the functions specifies how the matching is to be carried out. The following are legal arguments:

  o :EXACT              match exactly, including case.
  * :CASE-INSENSITIVE   match exactly, but case does not matter.
  o :SUBSTRING-EXACT    match a substring, including case.
  o :SUBSTRING          match a substring, but case does not matter.
  o :WILDCARD-EXACT     match using wildcard characters ? and *, other letters
                        must match, including case.
  o :WILDCARD           match using wildcard characters ? and *, for other
                        letters, case does not matter.
  o :REGEX-EXACT        matching using regular expressions, other letters must
                        match exactly, including case.
  o :REGEX              matching using regular expressions, for other letters
                        case does not matter.
The default value for all of the FIND-... functions is :CASE-INSENSITIVE, unless a symbol is passed as the argument to FIND-CONCEPT, FIND-INSTANCE or FIND-RELATION, in which case :EXACT is the default match value.

Wildcards use "*" to match any number of characters (including 0), and "?" to match any single character. Regular expressions are a bit more complicated. The following capabilities are supported:


   ^            Beginning of string
   $            End of string
   . (period)   Matches any character
   *            Zero or more of the preceding element
   +            One or more of the preceding element
 [...]          Match any one of the elements in the square brackets.  A range 
                may be specified using the "-" (hyphen) character.  To include
                a hyphen itself, it must be the first element inside the square
                brackets.  If the first character is "^" (caret), then this
                inverts the sense of the test--in other words the match is for
                anything except what is specified in the square brackets.
  (...)         Grouping operator.  Make the regular expression in parentheses
                act as a single element.  Can also be referenced later.
  \          Refer to the -th element in parentheses.  The first element
                is number 1.
   \            Escape character.  Used to enter any of the special regular
                expression characters as its literal self, or to introduce the
                reference to a previous group or a special character group.
  \t            Tab character
  \r            Return character
  \n            Newline character
  \b            Word boundaries:  Tab, Space, [.,!:]
  \B            non Word boundaries
  \d            Digits: [0-9]
  \D            non Digit
  \s            Space characters:  Tab Newline Space Return
  \S            non Space characters
  \w            Word constituents: [0-9a-zA-Z_]
  \W            non word constituents


   .*           Match anything. (Not recommended: Finds too many matches.)
 ^AIRCRAFT      Finds names beginning with "AIRCRAFT".
 AIRCRAFT$      Finds names ending with "AIRCRAFT".
 ^AIRCRAFT$     Find an exact match for "AIRCRAFT".
 ^.$            Match all single character names.
 ^..$           Match all double character names.
 T.T            Finds names which have "T" in them twice, separated by any
                other  character.
 TH.*TH         Finds names which have "TH" in them twice, with any number of
                intervening characters. 
 [0-9]          Finds names which include a digit.
 [-_]           Finds names which include a hyphen or underscore.
 ([A-Z])\1      Finds names which have the same character twice in a row.
 [^AEIOU]       Finds names which have at least one letter that is not a vowel.
 ^[^AEIOU]*$    Finds names which have no vowels.
 ^[^-]*$        Finds names which have no hyphens.


FIND-CONCEPT conceptOrName &key no-warning-p ignore-package-p context match
  Added :match keyword to support regular expression matching.  The
  conceptOrName argument should be a string.
FIND-CONTEXT contextOrName &key error-p match  
  Added :match keyword to support regular expression matching.  The
  conceptOrName argument should be a string.

FIND-INSTANCE instanceOrName &key no-warning-p context ignore-package-p match
  Added :match keyword to support regular expression matching.  The
  conceptOrName argument should be a string.

FIND-KB knowledgeBaseOrName &key match
  Added :match keyword to support regular expression matching.  The
  conceptOrName argument should be a string.

FIND-OBJECTS objectOrName &key type local-p no-warning-p ignore-package-p
                               context match 

  Find objects returns a list of objects.  This is the general interface to
  finding Loom objects other than Contexts and KBs.  The objects that are
  searched over is specified by the :TYPE argument, which is one of :CONCEPTS
  :RELATIONS :INSTANCES or :ANY.  The default value is :ANY.  The search will
  take place in the context specified or the current context.  The search will
  include all super contexts as well, unless :LOCAL-P is non-NIL.  If no
  matching objects can be found, then a warning will be issued unless
  :NO-WARNING-P is non-NIL.  If :IGNORE-PACAKGE-P is non-NIL, then the Lisp
  package of a symbol passed as "objectOrName" is ignored in the matching.  If
  the name is not a symbol, this has no effect.
  MATCH is one of :exact :case-insensitive :substring-exact :substring
                  :wildcard-exact :wildcard :regex-exact :regex
  Defaults are TYPE = :ANY and MATCH = :CASE-INSENSITIVE

FIND-RELATION relationOrName &key no-warning-p ignore-package-p context match
  Added :match keyword to support regular expression matching.  The
  conceptOrName argument should be a string.


A units and dimensions package has been added to Loom. The original code was written by Roman Cunis at the University of Hamburg and is available in the Carnegie-Mellon University Lisp archives. It has been integrated into this Loom release. Details on the operation of that package are included in separate documentation files:

  1. measures/unit-definitions.text Describes the units included with the Loom release.
  2. measures/measures-usage.text How to use the measures package.
  3. measures/measures-implementation.text How the measures are implmented.

The measures package allows the specification and manipulation of dimensioned quantities. If Loom is compiled to include units and dimensions (the default setting), then the TBOX includes concepts for the dimensioned quantities as well as relations which allow the use of dimensioned quantities in assertions and queries. The arthimetic operations (+, -, *, /) and comparison operators (>, <, <=, >=, =, /=) are also extended to work with dimensioned quantities.

The units and dimensioned are integrated with the Lisp reader so that one may adopt a fairly natural means of specifying dimensioned units. It is simply a number immediately followed by a units expression. CASE IS SIGNIFICANT in the units expression. The units expression consists of unit names with optional exponents, and an optional "/" to indicate division of units. To separate units, either the exponent 1 or a period (".") may be used. For example, "five newton meters" could be written "5N.m". A large number of units are predefined. The base units are taken from the SI, but a large number of English units are also included.

TBOX additions with the measures package:

Measures CONCEPTS.

All are read-only.

  LOOM::MEASURE         Concept to which all dimensioned quantities belong.
                        Not exported from the LOOM package to avoid name
                        conflicts with existing user code.
  MEASUREMENT-CONCEPT   Meta Concept for all subtypes of MESURE

ACCELERATION-MEASURE base unit: m/s2 ANGLE-MEASURE base unit: deg AREA-MEASURE base unit: m2 DATA-MEASURE base unit: bit DENSITY-MEASURE base unit: kg/m3 DISTANCE-MEASURE base unit: m ELECTRIC-CURRENT-MEASURE base unit: A ELECTRIC-POTENTIAL-MEASURE base unit: V ELECTRIC-RESISTANCE-MEASURE base unit: ohm FORCE-MEASURE base unit: N FREQUENCY-MEASURE base unit: Hz ILLUMINANCE-MEASURE base unit: lux INDUCTANCE-MEASURE base unit: H LUMINOUS-INTENSITY-MEASURE base unit: Cd MAGNETIC-FLUX-DENSITY-MEASURE base unit: T MAGNETIC-FLUX-MEASURE base unit: Wb MASS-MEASURE base unit: kg POWER-MEASURE base unit: W PRESSURE-MEASURE base unit: Pa REVOLUTION-MEASURE base unit: deg/s SCALAR-MEASURE no base unit SPEED-MEASURE base unit: m/s TEMPERATURE-MEASURE base unit: K (on a temperature scale) TIME-MEASURE base unit: s VOLUME-MEASURE base unit: m3 WORK-OR-TORQUE-MEASURE base unit: J (indistinguishable from N.m)


All are read-only.
  UNIT-UNIT          (unit-unit Measure UnitString) relates a dimensioned
                     quantity to its unit.
  UNIT-MAGNITUDE     (unit-magnitude Measure Number) relates a dimensioned
                     quantity to its magnitude.  In general the magnitude will
                     be a rational number.  It is expressed in terms of the
                     units returned by the UNIT-UNIT relation.
  UNIT-MAGNITUDE-AS  (unit-value-as Measure UnitString Number) relates a
                     Measure to its magnitude in the given unit as long as
                     Measure and UnitString are compatible.
  DIMENSIONED-NUMBER (dimensioned-number Quantity UnitString Measure) Relates a
                     a `Quantity' in the units specified in `UnitString' as
                     long as `Quantity' is either a Number, or it and
                     `UnitString' are compatible.  This can be used to create
                     new dimensioned quantities.

UNITS (units MeasurementConcept UnitString) is a multiple-valued relation between a Measurement concept and the defined units of that measurement. BASE-UNIT (base-unit MeasurementConcept UnitString) a single-valued relation between a Measurement concept and the base unit for that measurement.

Measures Functions.

These largely correspond to the relations noted above.

BASE-UNIT measurementConcept
  Returns the base unit of the concept.

DEFINE-MEASUREMENT-CONCEPT name example &key dont-define-synonym-p
  Define a measurement concept named `name' based on an example of
  a dimensioned quantity `example'.  If there is an existing measurement
  concept that includes `example', then a synonym for that concept is defined
  unless `:dont-define-synonym-p' is non-NIL.  The default is to define a
  synonym. Returns the measurement concept for `example'.

  If `example' is not a dimensioned quantity, then a warning is printed and NIL
  is returned.  In all other cases, a measurement concept is returned --
  either the existing one or a new one.
  Note that if a synonym is defined, it will eventually be merged with the
  existing measurement concept.

  Returns a dimensioned number constructed from the magnitude and unit.
  This is handy for programmatically creating dimensioned numbers since it 
  doesn't require running using the reader.  It can also be used to create
  dimensioned numbers with different default printing units.  In that case,
  the quantity and the unit specified must be compatible.
  Examples:  (dimensioned-number 34 "m/s2")   =>  34m/s2
             (dimensioned-number 24in "ft")   =>  2ft
             (dimensioned-number 24in "in")   =>  24in

UNIT-MAGNITUDE dimensionedNumber
  Returns the magnitude of the dimensioned number.  The magnitude is consistent
  with the value returned by the UNIT-UNIT function.
  Example:  (unit-magnitude 24in) => 24

UNIT-UNIT dimensionedNumber
  Returns the unit of the dimensioned number as a string.  The unit is
  consistent with the value returned by the UNIT-MAGNITUDE function.
  Example:  (unit-magnitude 24in) => "in"

UNIT-VALUE-AS dimensionedNumber desiredUnit
  Returns the value of the dimensioned number in the desired unit.  For
  fractional cases this will generally be a rational number.
  Example:  (unit-value-as 10000m "km") => 10

UNITS measure
  Returns a list of all the units associated with the given measurement

Arithmetic functions.

These parallel the built-in Common Lisp functions, but work with the dimensioned numbers. Like the built-in functions, most of them take any number of arguments.

MEASURES:DIM* &rest args
MEASURES:DIM+ &rest args
MEASURES:DIM- &rest args
MEASURES:DIM/ &rest args

MEASURES:DIM/= &rest args
MEASURES:DIM< &rest args
MEASURES:DIM<= &rest args
MEASURES:DIM= &rest args
MEASURES:DIM> &rest args
MEASURES:DIM>= &rest args


MEASURES:DIM-NUMBER value unit            
  Test to see if the units are compatible for addition & subtraction
MEASURES:DIM-VALUE dn &optional unit
  A combination of unit-magnitude and unit-value-as
MEASURES:PRINT-CONVERTED dim &rest unit-format
  See the measures documentation.
What follows are some examples of the use of the units and dimensions.

  (creation-policy :classified-instance)
  (defrelation speed :range speed-measure :characteristics :single-valued)
  (defconcept car)
  (defconcept sports-car :is (:and car (> speed 100mph)))
  (defconcept lame-vehicle :is (:and car (< speed 80mph)))

  (tellm (car porsche) (speed porsche 240km/h))

  Recognition changes for state 1 in context TEST-THEORY:
     entry:  PORSCHE  |C|SPORTS-CAR
             PORSCHE  |C|CAR

  (tell (car vw-bug) (speed vw-bug 60mph))

  Recognition changes for state 2 in context TEST-THEORY:
     entry:  VW-BUG   |C|LAME-VEHICLE
             VW-BUG   |C|CAR

  (get-subconcepts 'loom::measure) =>

  (retrieve ?x (units power-measure ?x))
    => ("GW" "MW" "kW" "hp" "shp" "W" "N.m/s" "mW")
  (retrieve ?x (base-unit distance-measure ?x))
    => ("m")
  (retrieve ?x (units distance-measure ?x))
    => ("parsec" "lightyear" "LY" "AU" "NM" "nautmi" "mile" "miles" "mi" "km"
        "furlong" "fathom" "m" "yd" "ft" "dm" "in" "cm" "pica" "mm" "point"
        "pt" "um" "nm" "angstrom" "ang")

  (retrieve ?x (unit-unit 220km/h ?x))
    => ("km/h")
  (retrieve ?x (unit-magnitude 220km/h ?x))
    => (220)
  (retrieve ?x (unit-magnitude-as 220km/h "mph" ?x))
    => (156250/1143)
  (float (car *))
    => 136.70166
  (retrieve ?x (dimensioned-number 20 "ft" ?x))
    => (20ft)
  (retrieve ?x (dimensioned-number 10000m "km" ?x))
    => (10km)

  (retrieve ?x (* 30mph 3h ?x))
    => (144840.95m)
  (retrieve ?x (dimensioned-number (* 30mph 3h) "mile" ?x))
    => (90mile)
  (defconcept stuff)
  (defrelation mass :characteristics :single-valued)
  (defrelation volume :characteristics :single-valued)

  (defrelation density :is (:satisfies (?x ?y)
                              (/ (mass ?x) (volume ?x) ?y))
          :characteristics :single-valued)

  (tellm (stuff block) (Mass block 20kg))

  (retrieve ?x (mass block ?x))
    => (20kg)

  (retrieve ?x (density block ?x))
    => NIL

  (tellm (volume block 1m3))
  (retrieve ?x (density block ?x))
    => (20kg/m3)
NOTE: The units code will aggressively put dimensions into their canonical form. This can lead to some surprising results, such as when one wishes to express something like fuel consumption in terms of volume of fuel per distance traveled. The expression "50 liters per kilometer" (for some particularly inefficient mode of travel) will get transformed into an area measurement, since the canonical representation of a liter is in terms of cubic meters, and all dimensions are simplified.

50l/km => 4.9999997e-5m2

Also, as a special hack, a some scalar quantities have also been defined to allow the natural representation of percent (%) and a not quite so natural representation of promille (%%) for use in arithmetic:

   (ms:dim* 1000 10%)   => 100
   (ms:dim* 1000 10%%)  => 10

   (ms:dim* 50m 50%)    => 25m
As the above code hints, there are a set of operations for using the measures package outside of Loom forms. The details are described below under a subsection of the "Changes to Loom Functions" section.

Allegro Common Lisp Specific

In Allegro Common Lisp, the reader macros that support the units and dimensions apparently not preserved in the saved disk images. That means that if you compile Loom and save an image, it will not properly parse parse the units and dimensions forms.

There are two potential solutions to this. The least radical is to call the function:

  (ms:install-dim-number-reader :permanent t)
which will setup the reader to recognize the units & dimensions syntax. This will need to be done each time the image is started, perhaps by using an init file.

There is a way of forcing Allegro saved images to execute this code on startup, but we had some problems with that, so for safety, it was commented out. You can look in the file

and examine the Allegro-specific code that has been commented out. If you uncomment it, that may solve your problem. For details on the forms used, you will need to consult your Allegro Common Lisp documentation.



The Loom feature :APPROXIMATE-OPEN-INTERVALS no longer has any effect. It is will continue to be recognized by the code for backward compatibility. Its function has been rendered superfluous by the true open interval upgrade.

A new Loom feature :ALLOW-DUPLICATE-CREATES has been added. If true, Loom will not signal an error if a call to the CREATE function specifies a name that is already taken. Instead Loom will try to do something intelligent. This assists some code that generates Loom forms. It is NOT SET by default.

A new Loom feature :AUTOMATICALLY-ADVANCE-STATE has been added. It controls the behavior of updates. If the feature is set, then each assertion will advance the state of the knowledge base (agent time) and there is no difference between TELLM and TELL (or any other ...M and associated forms). The wrapper WITHOUT-PRODUCTIONS is not affected by this setting. It is SET by default.


Loom now also offers support for the OKBC protocol. The actual software for OKBC is a separate download and is not activated by default. It also relies on Stanford University's generic OBKC server code which can be obtained through the OKBC link from this URL:


The concept OKBC-INDIVIDUAL has been added, corresponding to the OKBC :INDIVIDUAL class, which consists of all objects in the Loom system except for CONCEPT objects. In addition, the relations OKBC-PRETTY-NAME has been added.

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