;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: AIRCRAFT; Base: 10. -*- (DEFPACKAGE "AIRCRAFT" (:USE "COMMON-LISP" "LOOM") (:SHADOW "INSTANCE") (:SHADOWING-IMPORT-FROM "KBCLASSES" "UNKNOWN" "FALSE" "TRUE") (:SHADOWING-IMPORT-FROM "COMMON-LISP" "APPEND" "DO" "WHEN") (:SHADOWING-IMPORT-FROM "LOOM" "ROLE" "PATTERN" "SET" "CONSTANT" "PI" "SUBSET" "FIND-METHOD" "UNTRACE" "TRACE" "NEVER" "THEREIS" "ALWAYS" "COLLECT" "BY" "ON" "IN" "FOR" "COPY-INSTANCE" "DEFMETHOD") (:IMPORT-FROM "COMMON-LISP-USER" "*LOOM-DEFAULT-FEATURES*") (:IMPORT-FROM "KBCLASSES" "LIST-OF" "SHOW" "SHOW-ALL")) (in-package "AIRCRAFT") ;;; Context: AIRCRAFT ;;; Last Saved On: 01/23/2003 14:32:33 ;;; Written By: (eval-when #+:CLTL2 (:EXECUTE :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL) #-:CLTL2(LOAD EVAL COMPILE) (defparameter savedContext (current-context)) (defparameter savedCreationPolicy nil)) #+(or :loom3 loom4) (defparameter savedAutoAdvance loom::*automatically-advance-state-p*) (defparameter savedLoomFeatures (LIST-FEATURES :dont-display-p T)) (SET-FEATURES :allow-duplicate-creates) (eval-when #+:CLTL2 (:EXECUTE :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL) #-:CLTL2(LOAD EVAL COMPILE) (defcontext AIRCRAFT :THEORY (LOOM::BUILT-IN-THEORY) :open-closed-mode :OPEN :monotonic-p NIL )) (eval-when #+:CLTL2 (:EXECUTE :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL) ; EVAL-WHEN 0 #-:CLTL2(LOAD EVAL COMPILE) (change-context 'AIRCRAFT) (setf savedCreationPolicy (creation-policy)) (creation-policy :LITE-INSTANCE) ) ; END EVAL-WHEN 0 ;;; Terminological Definitions: (eval-when #+:CLTL2 (:EXECUTE :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL) ; EVAL-WHEN 1 #-:CLTL2(LOAD EVAL COMPILE) (defrelation Aa-Ordnance :is (:and Ordnance (:range Aa-Weapon))) (defrelation Ag-Ordnance :is (:and Ordnance (:range Ag-Weapon))) (defrelation Attacked-By :is (:inverse Target-Type)) (defrelation Bombs :is (:and Ordnance (:range Bomb))) (defrelation Caliber :domain Gun :range Number :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dmm")) ) (defrelation Carried-By :is (:inverse Stores)) (defrelation Ceiling :domain Flying-Object :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~:Dft")) ) (defrelation Cost :domain Physical-Entity :characteristics :single-valued :range Integer :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "$~:D")) ) (defrelation Crew-Roles :domain Vehicle :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Crew-Size :domain Vehicle :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Designation :domain Entity :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Diameter :is-primitive Width :domain Entity :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft")) ) (defrelation Drop-Tank :is (:and Stores (:range Fuel-Tank))) (defrelation Engine-Count :domain Vehicle :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Engine-Type :domain Vehicle :range Engine :characteristics :closed-world) (defrelation Engine-Used-By :is (:inverse Engine-Type)) (defrelation Fleet-Size :arity 3 :domains (Aircraft Air-Organization) :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Fuel-Capacity :domain (:Or Vehicle Fuel-Tank) :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Guidance :domain Weapon :range Guidance-Type) (defrelation Guns :is (:and Ordnance (:range Gun))) (defrelation Height :domain Physical-Entity :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft")) ) (defrelation Horsepower :domain Propellor-Engine :characteristics :single-valued :range Integer :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dhp")) ) (defrelation In-Service :domain Physical-Entity :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Landing-Distance :domain Flying-Object :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft")) ) (defrelation Length :domain Physical-Entity :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft")) ) (defrelation Made-By :is (:inverse Manufactures)) (defrelation Manufactures :domain Manufacturer) (defrelation Max-Mach :domain Flying-Object :range Number :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Max-Range :domain Vehicle :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~D miles")) ) (defrelation Max-Speed :domain Vehicle :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dmph")) ) (defrelation Max-Weight :domain Physical-Entity :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~:Dlbs")) ) (defrelation Min-Range :domain Weapon :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Missiles :is (:and Ordnance (:range Missile))) (defrelation Mission :domain Vehicle :range Mission :identifier Mission-Relation) (defrelation Name :domain Entity) (defrelation Normal-Range :domain Vehicle :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~D miles")) ) (defrelation Number-Of-Ac :domain Aircraft :range Integer :is (:satisfies (?X ?Y) (Sum (:Collect ?Z (:Exists ?W (Fleet-Size ?X ?W ?Z))) ?Y)) :characteristics (:single-valued :read-only)) (defrelation Ordnance :is (:and Stores (:range Weapon))) (defrelation Passenger-Capacity :domain Vehicle :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Payload :domain Vehicle :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~:Dlb")) ) (defrelation Pod :is (:and Stores (:range Pod))) (defrelation Rockets :is (:and Ordnance (:range Rocket))) (defrelation Rotor-Diameter :is-primitive Width :domain Helicopter :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft")) ) (defrelation Shaft-Horsepower :domain Engine :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dshp")) ) (defrelation Stores :domain Aircraft) (defrelation Take-Off-Distance :domain Flying-Object :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft")) ) (defrelation Target-Type :domain Weapon) (defrelation Thrust :domain Jet-Engine :characteristics :single-valued :range Integer :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dlb")) ) (defrelation Warhead :is-primitive Payload :domain Weapon :range Integer :characteristics :single-valued) (defrelation Warhead-Type :domain Weapon) (defrelation Width :domain Physical-Entity :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft")) ) (defrelation Wingspan :is-primitive Width :domain Flying-Object :characteristics :single-valued :annotations ( (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft")) ) (defconcept Aa-Weapon :is (:and Weapon (:some Target-Type (:one-of Flying-Object Aircraft)))) (defconcept Active-Guidance-Type :is (:one-of 'SEMI-ACTIVE-RADAR-HOMING 'ACTIVE-RADAR-HOMING 'SEMI-ACTIVE-LASER-HOMING)) (defconcept Active-Jammer :is-primitive Ecm-Pod) (defconcept Afterburning-Engine :is-primitive Jet-Engine) (defconcept Ag-Weapon :is (:and Weapon (:filled-by Target-Type Ground-Unit))) (defconcept Air-Organization "An Organization that owns/controls aircraft" :is-primitive Organization) (defconcept Air-Superiority :is-primitive Combat-Mission :annotations ( combat-mission) ) (defconcept Aircraft :is (:and Vehicle Flying-Object) :partitions $Ac-Type$) (defconcept Aircraft-Manufacturer :is (:and Manufacturer (:some Manufactures Aircraft))) (defconcept All-Weather :is-primitive Technology) (defconcept Attack-Aircraft :is (:and Airplane (:some Mission Combat-Mission) (:some Mission (:one-of Sead)))) (defconcept Barrage-Jammer :is-primitive Ecm-Pod) (defconcept Bomb :is-primitive Weapon) (defconcept Bomber :is (:and Airplane (:some Mission Combat-Mission) (:some Mission (:one-of Strike Interdiction Cas Sead Strategic-Bombing)))) (defconcept Cannon :is-primitive Gun) (defconcept Cas :is-primitive Combat-Mission :annotations ( combat-mission) :identifier Close-Air-Support) (defconcept Close-Air-Support :is Cas :identifier Close-Air-Support) (defconcept Chaff-Pod :is-primitive Ecm-Pod) (defconcept Combat-Aircraft :is (:and Aircraft (some Mission Combat-Mission))) (defconcept Combat-Mission :is-primitive Mission :annotations ( mission) ) (defconcept Command :is-primitive Non-Combat-Mission :annotations ( non-combat-mission) ) (defconcept Data-Link-Pod :is-primitive Pod) (defconcept Deceptive-Jammer :is-primitive Ecm-Pod) (defconcept Diesel-Engine :is-primitive Engine) (defconcept Drone "A pilotless aircraft." :is (:and Heavier-Than-Air-Craft Unmanned-Aircraft)) (defconcept Ecm-Pod :is-primitive Pod) (defconcept Electronic-Warfare :is-primitive Combat-Mission :annotations ( combat-mission) ) (defconcept Engine :is-primitive Physical-Entity :identifier Engine-Concept) (defconcept Engine-Manufacturer :is (:and Manufacturer (:some Manufactures Engine))) (defconcept Entity) (defconcept Evacuation :is-primitive Transporting :annotations ( non-combat-mission transporting) ) (defconcept Fighter :is (:and Airplane (:filled-by Mission Air-Superiority) (:some Mission Combat-Mission))) (defconcept Fighter-Bomber :is (:and Fighter Bomber)) (defconcept Fixed-Wing-Aircraft :is-primitive Aircraft :in-partition $Ac-Type$ :identifier Airplane) (defconcept Airplane :is Fixed-Wing-Aircraft :identifier Airplane) (defconcept Flare-Pod :is-primitive Ecm-Pod) (defconcept Flying-Object :is-primitive Physical-Entity) (defconcept Fuel-Tank :is-primitive Physical-Entity) (defconcept Gas-Turbine-Engine :is-primitive Engine) (defconcept Gasoline-Engine :is-primitive Engine) (defconcept Glide-Bomb :is (:and Bomb Flying-Object (:at-least 1 Max-Range))) (defconcept Glider "An aircraft without engines that is supported by dynamic action of air against its surfaces" :is-primitive (:and Heavier-Than-Air-Craft Unpowered-Vehicle)) (defconcept Ground-Unit) (defconcept Guidance-Type :is (:or Active-Guidance-Type Passive-Guidance-Type)) (defconcept Gun :is-primitive Weapon) (defconcept Heavier-Than-Air-Craft "Heavier than air craft can be defined as having total weight is greater than air displacement." :is-primitive Aircraft :in-partition $Ac-Type$) (defconcept Helicopter-Manufacturer :is (:and Manufacturer (:some Manufactures Helicopter))) (defconcept Hot-Air-Baloon :is-primitive Lighter-Than-Air-Craft) (defconcept Hypersonic :is (:and Flying-Object (>= Max-Mach 5.0))) (defconcept Hypersonic-Aircraft :is (:and Aircraft Hypersonic)) ) ; END EVAL-WHEN 1 (eval-when #+:CLTL2 (:EXECUTE :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL) ; EVAL-WHEN 2 #-:CLTL2(LOAD EVAL COMPILE) (defconcept Interception :is-primitive Combat-Mission :annotations ( combat-mission) ) (defconcept Interdiction :is-primitive Combat-Mission :annotations ( combat-mission) ) (defconcept Jet-Engine :is-primitive Engine) (defconcept Laser-Designator-Pod :is-primitive Pod) (defconcept Lighter-Than-Air-Craft "An aircraft is lighter than air iff its total weight is less than its air displacement." :is-primitive Aircraft :in-partition $Ac-Type$) (defconcept Manufacturer :is-primitive Organization) (defconcept Military-Organization :is-primitive Organization) (defconcept Missile :is-primitive (:and Weapon Flying-Object)) (defconcept Missile-Manufacturer :is (:and Manufacturer (:some Manufactures Missile))) (defconcept Mission) (defconcept Naval-Unit :is-primitive Physical-Entity) (defconcept Navigation-Pod :is-primitive Pod) (defconcept Non-Combat-Mission :is-primitive Mission :annotations ( mission) ) (defconcept Organization :is-primitive Social-Entity) (defconcept Passive-Guidance-Type :is (:one-of 'INERTIAL 'IR-HOMING 'IMAGING-IR 'ELECTRO-OPTICAL 'TV 'ANTI-RADIATION 'HOME-ON-JAM)) (defconcept Physical-Entity :is-primitive Entity) (defconcept Piloted-Aircraft :is (:and Vehicle (> Crew-Size 0))) (defconcept Pod :is-primitive Physical-Entity :identifier Pod-Concept) (defconcept Powered-Vehicle :is (:and Vehicle (:at-least 1 Engine))) (defconcept Private-Organization :is-primitive Organization) (defconcept Propellor-Engine :is-primitive Engine) (defconcept Reconnaissance :is-primitive Non-Combat-Mission :annotations ( non-combat-mission) ) (defconcept Rocket :is-primitive (:and Weapon Flying-Object)) (defconcept Rotary-Wing-Aircraft :is-primitive Aircraft :in-partition $Ac-Type$ :identifier Helicopter) (defconcept Helicopter :is Rotary-Wing-Aircraft :identifier Helicopter) (defconcept Rubber-Band-Engine :is-primitive Engine) (defconcept Sar :is-primitive Evacuation :annotations ( non-combat-mission) ) (defconcept Sead :is-primitive Combat-Mission :annotations ( combat-mission) :identifier Suppression-Of-Enemy-Air-Defense) (defconcept Suppression-Of-Enemy-Air-Defense :is Sead :identifier Suppression-Of-Enemy-Air-Defense) (defconcept Smart-Bomb :is (:and Bomb (:at-least 1 Guidance))) (defconcept Social-Entity :is-primitive Entity) (defconcept Special-Operations :is-primitive Combat-Mission :annotations ( combat-mission) ) (defconcept Stealth-Technology :is-primitive Technology) (defconcept Steam-Engine :is-primitive Engine) (defconcept Strategic-Bombing :is-primitive Combat-Mission :annotations ( combat-mission) ) (defconcept Strike :is-primitive Combat-Mission :annotations ( combat-mission) ) (defconcept Supersonic :is (:and Flying-Object (:or (>= Max-Mach 1.0) (>= Max-Speed 750.0)))) (defconcept Supersonic-Aircraft :is (:and Aircraft Supersonic)) (defconcept Surveillance :is-primitive Non-Combat-Mission :annotations ( non-combat-mission) ) (defconcept Swing-Wing :is-primitive Technology) (defconcept Technology) (defconcept Transport :is (:and Airplane (:some Mission (:one-of Transporting Evacuation)))) (defconcept Transporting :is-primitive Non-Combat-Mission :annotations ( non-combat-mission) ) (defconcept Turbofan-Engine :is-primitive Jet-Engine) (defconcept Turbojet-Engine :is-primitive Jet-Engine) (defconcept Turboprop :is (:and Airplane (:all Engine-Type Turboprop-Engine) (:at-least 1 Engine-Type))) (defconcept Turboprop-Engine :is (:and Propellor-Engine Jet-Engine)) (defconcept Turboshaft-Engine :is-primitive Jet-Engine) (defconcept Unmanned-Aircraft :is (:and Vehicle (= Crew-Size 0))) (defconcept Unpowered-Vehicle :is (:and Vehicle (:at-most 0 Engine))) (defconcept Vehicle :is-primitive Physical-Entity :identifier Combat-Vehicle) (defconcept Combat-Vehicle :is Vehicle :identifier Combat-Vehicle) (defconcept Weapon :is-primitive Physical-Entity) (finalize-definitions) ) ; END EVAL-WHEN 2 ;;; Instance Creation: (CREATE '20MM-VULCAN 'NIL) (CREATE '300G-TANK 'NIL) (CREATE '30MM-GAU 'NIL) (CREATE '600G-TANK 'NIL) (CREATE 'A-10 'NIL) (CREATE 'A-6 'NIL) (CREATE 'AGM-130 'NIL) (CREATE 'AGM-62 'NIL) (CREATE 'AGM-65 'NIL) (CREATE 'AGM-84 'NIL) (CREATE 'AGM-88 'NIL) (CREATE 'AIM-120 'NIL) (CREATE 'AIM-7M 'NIL) (CREATE 'AIM-9M 'NIL) (CREATE 'ALLISON 'NIL) (CREATE 'ALQ-131 'NIL) (CREATE 'B-1 'NIL) (CREATE 'B-2 'NIL) (CREATE 'B-52 'NIL) (CREATE 'BELL 'NIL) (CREATE 'BOEING 'NIL) (CREATE 'C-130 'NIL) (CREATE 'C-141 'NIL) (CREATE 'C-17 'NIL) (CREATE 'C-20 'NIL) (CREATE 'C-21 'NIL) (CREATE 'C-22 'NIL) (CREATE 'C-5 'NIL) (CREATE 'C-9 'NIL) (CREATE 'CANADIAN-AF 'NIL) (CREATE 'CF-18 'NIL) (CREATE 'E-3 'NIL) (CREATE 'EF-111 'NIL) (CREATE 'F-101-GE-102 'NIL) (CREATE 'F-111 'NIL) (CREATE 'F-117 'NIL) (CREATE 'F-118-GE-100 'NIL) (CREATE 'F-15 'NIL) (CREATE 'F-16 'NIL) (CREATE 'F100-PW-100 'NIL) (CREATE 'F110-GE-200 'NIL) (CREATE 'F117-PW-100 'NIL) (CREATE 'F404 'NIL) (CREATE 'FAIRCHILD-REPUBLIC 'NIL) (CREATE 'GARRETT 'NIL) (CREATE 'GE 'NIL) (CREATE 'GENERAL-DYNAMICS 'NIL) (CREATE 'GRUMMAN 'NIL) (CREATE 'GULFSTREAM 'NIL) (CREATE 'HH-1 'NIL) (CREATE 'HH-3E 'NIL) (CREATE 'HUGHES 'NIL) (CREATE 'J52-P8B 'NIL) (CREATE 'JT8D-7 'NIL) (CREATE 'JT8D-9A 'NIL) (CREATE 'LEARJET 'NIL) (CREATE 'LOCKHEED-MARTIN 'NIL) (CREATE 'LYCOMING 'NIL) (CREATE 'MCDONNEL-DOUGLAS 'NIL) (CREATE 'MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS 'NIL) (CREATE 'MH-53J 'NIL) (CREATE 'MK82 'NIL) (CREATE 'MK84 'NIL) (CREATE 'NAVAL-WEAPONS-CENTER 'NIL) (CREATE 'NORTHRUP 'NIL) (CREATE 'PRATT-&-WHITNEY 'NIL) (CREATE 'RAYTHEON 'NIL) (CREATE 'ROCKWELL 'NIL) (CREATE 'ROLLS-ROYCE 'NIL) (CREATE 'SEE-ALSO-LINK-00001 'SEE-ALSO-LINK) (CREATE 'SEE-ALSO-LINK-00002 'SEE-ALSO-LINK) (CREATE 'SIKORSKY 'NIL) (CREATE 'SPEY-MK511-8 'NIL) (CREATE 'T-53-L-13B 'NIL) (CREATE 'T56-A-15 'NIL) (CREATE 'T58-GE-5 'NIL) (CREATE 'T64-GE-100 'NIL) (CREATE 'TEXAS-INSTRUMENTS 'NIL) (CREATE 'TF-30-P-8109 'NIL) (CREATE 'TF-33-P-3/103 'NIL) (CREATE 'TF33-P-7 'NIL) (CREATE 'TF33-PW-100A 'NIL) (CREATE 'TF34-GE-100 'NIL) (CREATE 'TF39-GE-1C 'NIL) (CREATE 'TFE-731-2-2B 'NIL) (CREATE 'US-ANG 'NIL) (CREATE 'US-NAVY 'NIL) (CREATE 'USAF 'NIL) (CREATE 'USAF-RESERVE 'NIL) ;;; Instance Assertions: (TELL (:ABOUT 20MM-VULCAN GUN (CALIBER 20) (CARRIED-BY F-15) (CARRIED-BY F-16) (CARRIED-BY CF-18) (CARRIED-BY F-111) (NAME "Vulcan") (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'AIRCRAFT 1)) (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'GROUND-UNIT 1)))) (TELL (:ABOUT 300G-TANK FUEL-TANK (CARRIED-BY A-6) (CARRIED-BY F-16) (FUEL-CAPACITY 300) (MAX-WEIGHT 2000))) (TELL (:ABOUT 30MM-GAU GUN (CALIBER 30) (CARRIED-BY A-10) (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'GROUND-UNIT 1)))) (TELL (:ABOUT 600G-TANK FUEL-TANK (CARRIED-BY F-15) (CARRIED-BY F-111) (CARRIED-BY A-10) (FUEL-CAPACITY 600) (MAX-WEIGHT 4000))) (TELL (:ABOUT A-10 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (STORES 30MM-GAU) (STORES 600G-TANK) (STORES AIM-9M) (STORES AGM-65) (STORES MK82) (STORES MK84) (CEILING 1000) (COST 8800000) (CREW-SIZE 1) (DESIGNATION 'A-10A) (DOCUMENTATION "The A-10 and OA-10 Thunderbolt IIs are the first Air Force aircraft specially designed for close air support of ground forces. They are simple, effective and survivable twin-engine jet aircraft that can be used against all ground targets, including tanks and other armored vehicles.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE TF34-GE-100) (HEIGHT 14.7) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/A-10-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1976) (LENGTH 53.4) (MADE-BY FAIRCHILD-REPUBLIC) (MAX-MACH 0.56) (MAX-RANGE 288) (MAX-SPEED 420) (MAX-WEIGHT 51000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'CAS 1)) (NAME "Thunderbolt II") (NAME "Warthog") (PAYLOAD 16000) (WINGSPAN 57.5))) (TELL (:ABOUT A-6 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT ALL-WEATHER (STORES 300G-TANK) (STORES AIM-9M) (STORES AGM-88) (STORES AGM-84) (STORES AGM-65) (STORES AGM-62) (STORES MK82) (STORES MK84) (CEILING 44600) (COST 22000000) (CREW-SIZE 2) (DESIGNATION 'A-6E) (DOCUMENTATION "The A-6E is an all-weather, two-seat, subsonic, carrier-based attack aircraft. The crew, sitting side by side, can see in all directions through a broad canopy. The aircraft is equipped with a micro-miniaturized digital computer, a solid state weapons release system, and a single integrated track and search radar. The Intruder is armed with laser-guided weapons and equipped with a chin turret containing a forward-looking infra-red (FLIR) system and laser designator and receiver.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE J52-P8B) (HEIGHT 16.25) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/A-6-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1963) (LENGTH 54.5) (MADE-BY GRUMMAN) (MAX-RANGE 3100) (MAX-SPEED 648) (MAX-WEIGHT 60626) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'CAS 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'STRIKE 1)) (NAME "Intruder") (NORMAL-RANGE 1077) (PAYLOAD 18000) (WINGSPAN 53))) (TELL (:ABOUT AGM-130 MISSILE (CARRIED-BY F-111) (CEILING 30000) (COST 269000) (DESIGNATION 'AGM-130A) (DIAMETER 1.5) (DOCUMENTATION "The AGM-130A is a powered air-to-surface missile designed for high- and low-altitude strikes at standoff ranges against a variety of targets. The AGM-130A is equipped with either a television or an imaging infrared seeker and data link. The seeker provides the launch aircraft a visual presentation of the target as seen from the weapon. During free flight this presentation is transmitted by a data-link system to the aircraft cockpit monitor.") (GUIDANCE 'TV) (GUIDANCE 'IMAGING-IR) (IN-SERVICE 1996) (LENGTH 12.9) (MADE-BY ROCKWELL) (MAX-WEIGHT 2917) (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'GROUND-UNIT 1)) (WINGSPAN 5))) (TELL (:ABOUT AGM-62 MISSILE (CARRIED-BY A-6) (DESIGNATION 'AGM-62) (DOCUMENTATION "") (NAME "Walleye") (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'GROUND-UNIT 1)))) (TELL (:ABOUT AGM-65 MISSILE (CARRIED-BY A-10) (CARRIED-BY A-6) (DESIGNATION 'AGM-65) (DOCUMENTATION "") (GUIDANCE 'OPTICAL) (GUIDANCE 'IR) (NAME "Maverick") (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'GROUND-UNIT 1)))) (TELL (:ABOUT AGM-84 MISSILE (CARRIED-BY A-6) (CARRIED-BY CF-18) (CARRIED-BY B-52) (COST 720000) (DESIGNATION 'AGM-84D) (DIAMETER 1.1) (DOCUMENTATION "The AGM-84D Harpoon is an all-weather, over-the-horizon, anti-ship missile system. The Harpoon's active radar guidance, warhead design, and low-level, sea- skimming cruise trajectory assure high survivability and effectiveness. The missile is capable of being launched from surface ships, submarines, or (without the booster) from aircraft.") (GUIDANCE 'INERTIAL) (GUIDANCE 'ACTIVE-RADAR-HOMING) (IN-SERVICE 1985) (LENGTH 12.6) (MADE-BY MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS) (MAX-RANGE 60) (MAX-WEIGHT 1145) (NAME "Harpoon") (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'NAVAL-UNIT 1)) (WINGSPAN 3)) (NOT (SUPERSONIC AGM-84))) (TELL (:ABOUT AGM-88 MISSILE SUPERSONIC (CARRIED-BY A-6) (CARRIED-BY F-16) (COST 284000) (DESIGNATION 'AGM-88) (DIAMETER 0.9) (DOCUMENTATION "The AGM-88 HARM (high-speed antiradiation missile) is an air-to-surface tactical missile designed to seek and destroy enemy radar-equipped air defense systems. ") (GUIDANCE 'ANTI-RADIATION) (HTML-IMAGE "images/weapons/AGM-88-msl.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1985) (LENGTH 13.7) (MADE-BY TEXAS-INSTRUMENTS) (MAX-RANGE 80) (MAX-SPEED 760) (MAX-WEIGHT 800) (NAME "HARM") (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'GROUND-UNIT 1)) (WINGSPAN 3.7))) (TELL (:ABOUT AIM-120 MISSILE SUPERSONIC (CARRIED-BY F-15) (CARRIED-BY F-16) (COST 386000) (DESIGNATION 'AIM-120A) (DIAMETER 0.6) (DOCUMENTATION "The AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile (AMRAAM) is a new generation air-to-air missile. It has an all-weather, beyond-visual-range capability and is scheduled to be operational beyond 2000.") (GUIDANCE 'ACTIVE-RADAR-HOMING) (GUIDANCE 'INERTIAL) (IN-SERVICE 1991) (LENGTH 12) (MADE-BY HUGHES) (MADE-BY RAYTHEON) (MAX-RANGE 20) (MAX-WEIGHT 335) (NAME "AMRAAM") (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'AIRCRAFT 1)) (WINGSPAN 1.7))) (TELL (:ABOUT AIM-7M MISSILE SUPERSONIC (CARRIED-BY F-15) (CARRIED-BY F-16) (CARRIED-BY CF-18) (COST 125000) (DESIGNATION 'AIM-7M) (DIAMETER 0.7) (DOCUMENTATION "The AIM-7 Sparrow is a radar-guided, air-to-air missile with a high-explosive warhead. The versatile Sparrow has all-weather, all-altitude operational capability and can attack high-performance aircraft and missiles from any direction.") (GUIDANCE 'SEMI-ACTIVE-RADAR-HOMING) (IN-SERVICE 1982) (LENGTH 12) (MADE-BY RAYTHEON) (MAX-WEIGHT 500) (NAME "Sparrow") (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'AIRCRAFT 1)) (WINGSPAN 3.3))) (TELL (:ABOUT AIM-9M MISSILE SUPERSONIC (CARRIED-BY A-10) (CARRIED-BY A-6) (CARRIED-BY F-15) (CARRIED-BY F-16) (CARRIED-BY CF-18) (CARRIED-BY F-117) (COST 41300) (DESIGNATION 'AIM-9M) (DIAMETER 0.4) (DOCUMENTATION "The AIM-9 Sidewinder is a supersonic, heat-seeking, air-to-air missile carried by fighter aircraft. It has a high-explosive warhead and an active infrared guidance system.") (GUIDANCE 'IR-HOMING) (HTML-IMAGE "images/weapons/AIM-9-msl.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1983) (LENGTH 9.4) (MADE-BY NAVAL-WEAPONS-CENTER) (MAX-RANGE 10) (MAX-WEIGHT 190) (NAME "Sidewinder") (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'AIRCRAFT 1)) (WINGSPAN 2))) (TELL (:ABOUT ALLISON MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES T56-A-15))) (TELL (:ABOUT ALQ-131 ECM-POD (CARRIED-BY F-16) (DESIGNATION 'ALQ-131) (MAX-WEIGHT 600))) (TELL (:ABOUT B-1 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT SWING-WING (CEILING 30000) (COST 200000000) (CREW-SIZE 4) (DESIGNATION 'B-1B) (DOCUMENTATION "The B-1B is a multi-role, long-range bomber, capable of flying intercontinental missions without refueling, then penetrating present and predicted sophisticated enemy defenses. It can perform a variety of missions, including that of a conventional weapons carrier for theater operations.") (ENGINE-COUNT 4) (ENGINE-TYPE F-101-GE-102) (HEIGHT 34) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/B-1-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1985) (LENGTH 147) (MADE-BY ROCKWELL) (MAX-MACH 1.2) (MAX-SPEED 900) (MAX-WEIGHT 477000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'STRATEGIC-BOMBING 1)) (NAME "Lancer") (PAYLOAD 48000) (WINGSPAN 137))) (TELL (:ABOUT B-2 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT STEALTH-TECHNOLOGY (CEILING 50000) (COST 750000000) (CREW-SIZE 2) (DESIGNATION 'B-2) (DOCUMENTATION "The B-2 Spirit is a multi-role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions. A dramatic leap forward in technology, the bomber represents a major milestone in the U.S. bomber modernization program. The B-2 brings massive firepower to bear, in a short time, anywhere on the globe through previously impenetrable defenses.") (ENGINE-COUNT 4) (ENGINE-TYPE F-118-GE-100) (HEIGHT 17) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/B-2-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1993) (LENGTH 69) (MADE-BY NORTHRUP) (MAX-SPEED 600) (MAX-WEIGHT 336500) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'STRATEGIC-BOMBING 1)) (NAME "Spirit") (PAYLOAD 40000) (WINGSPAN 172))) (TELL (:ABOUT B-52 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (STORES AGM-84) (STORES MK82) (STORES MK84) (CEILING 50000) (COST 64000000) (CREW-SIZE 5) (DESIGNATION 'B-52H) (DOCUMENTATION "Air Combat Command's B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions. It can carry nuclear or conventional ordnance. For more than 35 years B-52 Stratofortresses have been the primary manned strategic bomber force for the United States. Updated with modern technology, the B-52 fleet will continue flying into the 21st century.") (ENGINE-COUNT 8) (ENGINE-TYPE TF-33-P-3/103) (HEIGHT 40.8) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/B-52-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1959) (LENGTH 159.4) (MADE-BY BOEING) (MAX-MACH 0.86) (MAX-RANGE 8800) (MAX-SPEED 650) (MAX-WEIGHT 488000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'STRATEGIC-BOMBING 1)) (NAME "BUFF") (NAME "Stratofortress") (PAYLOAD 70000) (WINGSPAN 185))) (TELL (:ABOUT BELL MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES HH-1))) (TELL (:ABOUT BOEING MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES B-52) (MANUFACTURES C-22) (MANUFACTURES E-3))) (TELL (:ABOUT C-130 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (CEILING 33000) (COST 22900000) (CREW-SIZE 5) (DESIGNATION 'C-130) (DOCUMENTATION "The C-130 Hercules primarily performs the intratheater portion of the airlift mission. The aircraft is capable of operating from rough, dirt strips and is the prime transport for paradropping troops and equipment into hostile areas.") (ENGINE-COUNT 4) (ENGINE-TYPE T56-A-15) (HEIGHT 38) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/C-130-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1955) (LENGTH 98) (MADE-BY LOCKHEED-MARTIN) (MAX-MACH 0.57) (MAX-RANGE 5200) (MAX-SPEED 374) (MAX-WEIGHT 155000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'TRANSPORT 1)) (NAME "Hercules") (NORMAL-RANGE 2500) (PASSENGER-CAPACITY 92) (PAYLOAD 100000) (WINGSPAN 133))) (TELL (:ABOUT C-141 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (CEILING 41000) (COST 8100000) (CREW-SIZE 6) (DESIGNATION 'C-141B) (DOCUMENTATION "The C-141 Starlifter is the workhorse of the Air Mobility Command. The Starlifter fulfills the vast spectrum of airlift requirements through its ability to airlift combat forces over long distances, inject those forces and their equipment either by airland or airdrop, re-supply employed forces, and extract the sick and wounded from the hostile area to advanced medical facilities.") (ENGINE-COUNT 4) (ENGINE-TYPE TF33-P-7) (HEIGHT 39) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/C-141-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1964) (LENGTH 168) (MADE-BY LOCKHEED-MARTIN) (MAX-MACH 0.66) (MAX-RANGE 2500) (MAX-SPEED 500) (MAX-WEIGHT 323100) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'TRANSPORT 1)) (NAME "Starlifter") (NORMAL-RANGE 2500) (WINGSPAN 160))) (TELL (:ABOUT C-17 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (CEILING 45000) (CREW-SIZE 3) (DESIGNATION 'C-17) (DOCUMENTATION "The C-17 is capable of rapid strategic delivery of troops and all types of cargo to main operating bases or directly to forward bases in the deployment area. The aircraft is also able to perform theater airlift missions when required. The inherent flexibility and performance characteristics of the C-17 force improves the ability of the total airlift system to fulfill the worldwide air mobility requirements of the United States.") (ENGINE-COUNT 4) (ENGINE-TYPE F117-PW-100) (HEIGHT 55) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/C-17-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1993) (LENGTH 174) (MADE-BY MCDONNEL-DOUGLAS) (MAX-MACH 0.77) (MAX-RANGE 5940) (MAX-SPEED 500) (MAX-WEIGHT 585000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'TRANSPORT 1)) (NAME "Globemaster III") (PASSENGER-CAPACITY 102) (PAYLOAD 170900) (WINGSPAN 171))) (TELL (:ABOUT C-20 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (COST 22200000) (CREW-SIZE 5) (DESIGNATION 'C-20A) (DOCUMENTATION "The C-20 Gulfstream III is a twin-engine, turbofan aircraft acquired to fill the airlift mission for high-ranking government and Defense Department officials.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE SPEY-MK511-8) (HEIGHT 25) (IN-SERVICE 1983) (LENGTH 83) (MADE-BY GULFSTREAM) (MAX-RANGE 4715) (MAX-SPEED 576) (MAX-WEIGHT 69700) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'TRANSPORT 1)) (NAME "Gulfstream III") (PASSENGER-CAPACITY 14) (WINGSPAN 78))) (TELL (:ABOUT C-21 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (COST 2800000) (CREW-SIZE 2) (DESIGNATION 'C-21A) (DOCUMENTATION "The C-21A provides cargo and passenger airlift and can transport litters during medical evacuations.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE TFE-731-2-2B) (HEIGHT 12) (IN-SERVICE 1984) (LENGTH 49) (MADE-BY LEARJET) (MAX-MACH 0.81) (MAX-RANGE 2306) (MAX-SPEED 530) (MAX-WEIGHT 18300) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'TRANSPORT 1)) (WINGSPAN 40))) (TELL (:ABOUT C-22 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (MADE-BY BOEING) (CEILING 34000) (CREW-SIZE 8) (DESIGNATION 'C-22B) (DOCUMENTATION "The C-22B, a Boeing 727-100, is the primary medium-range aircraft used by the Air National Guard and National Guard Bureau to airlift personnel.") (ENGINE-COUNT 3) (ENGINE-TYPE JT8D-7) (HEIGHT 34) (IN-SERVICE 1963) (LENGTH 133) (MAX-MACH 0.82) (MAX-RANGE 2000) (MAX-SPEED 619) (MAX-WEIGHT 170000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'TRANSPORT 1)) (PAYLOAD 20000) (WINGSPAN 108))) (TELL (:ABOUT C-5 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (CEILING 34000) (COST 167700000) (CREW-SIZE 6) (DESIGNATION 'C-5B) (DOCUMENTATION "The C-5 Galaxy is a heavy-cargo transport designed to provide massive strategic airlift, for deployment and supply of combat and support forces. The C-5 can carry unusually large and heavy cargo for intercontinental ranges at jet speeds. The plane can take off and land in relatively short distances and taxi on substandard surfaces during emergency operations. ") (ENGINE-COUNT 4) (ENGINE-TYPE TF39-GE-1C) (HEIGHT 65) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/C-5-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1970) (LENGTH 248) (MADE-BY LOCKHEED-MARTIN) (MAX-MACH 0.72) (MAX-RANGE 5940) (MAX-SPEED 541) (MAX-WEIGHT 840000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'TRANSPORT 1)) (NAME "Galaxy") (PAYLOAD 605000) (WINGSPAN 223))) (TELL (:ABOUT C-9 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (CEILING 35000) (COST 17000000) (CREW-SIZE 8) (DESIGNATION 'C-9C) (DOCUMENTATION "The C-9 is a twin-engine, T-tailed, medium-range, swept-wing jet aircraft used primarily for Air Mobility Command's aeromedical evacuation mission. The Nightingale is a modified version of the McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Corporation's DC-9. It is the only aircraft in the inventory specifically designed for the movement of litter and ambulatory patients.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE JT8D-9A) (HEIGHT 27) (IN-SERVICE 1968) (LENGTH 119) (MADE-BY MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS) (MAX-MACH 0.86) (MAX-RANGE 2000) (MAX-SPEED 565) (MAX-WEIGHT 108000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'EVACUATION 1)) (NAME "Nightingale") (PASSENGER-CAPACITY 44) (WINGSPAN 93))) (TELL (:ABOUT CANADIAN-AF MILITARY-ORGANIZATION AIR-ORGANIZATION)) (TELL (:ABOUT CF-18 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (STORES 20MM-VULCAN) (STORES AGM-84) (STORES AIM-7M) (STORES AIM-9M) (STORES MK82) (STORES MK84) (CEILING 50000) (CREW-SIZE 1) (DESIGNATION 'CF-18C) (DOCUMENTATION "The CF-18 is a twin engine supersonic jet tactical fighter. The four CF-18 fighter squadrons (15 aircraft each) are assigned the air defence role in North America. They maintain limited air-to-surface capability to provide support to maritime operations, as well as support to land operations in defence of Canada.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE F404) (HEIGHT 15.3) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/FA-18-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1982) (LENGTH 56) (MADE-BY MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS) (MAX-MACH 1.8) (MAX-RANGE 2272) (MAX-WEIGHT 23000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'AIR-SUPERIORITY 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'INTERCEPTION 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'STRIKE 1)) (NAME "Hornet") (WINGSPAN 40.4))) (TELL (:ABOUT E-3 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (MADE-BY BOEING) (CEILING 29000) (COST 180000000) (CREW-SIZE 23) (DESIGNATION 'E-3) (DOCUMENTATION "The E-3 Sentry is an airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft that provides all-weather surveillance, command, control and communications needed by commanders of U.S. and NATO air defense forces. As proven in Desert Storm, it is the premier air battle command and control aircraft in the world today.") (ENGINE-COUNT 4) (ENGINE-TYPE TF33-PW-100A) (HEIGHT 41.4) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/E-3-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1977) (LENGTH 145.5) (MAX-RANGE 4000) (MAX-WEIGHT 347000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'COMMAND 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'SURVEILLANCE 1)) (NAME "Sentry") (NAME "AWACS") (WINGSPAN 131))) (TELL (:ABOUT EF-111 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (CEILING 50000) (COST 35000000) (CREW-SIZE 2) (DESIGNATION 'EF-111A) (DOCUMENTATION "The EF-111A Raven is designed to provide electronic countermeasures support for tactical air forces. The EF-111A can detect, sort, identify and nullify different enemy radars. Jamming subsystem receivers scan across frequency bands under computer or manual control. When threats are identified, appropriate countermeasures are initiated either automatically by computer or with the electronic warfare officer's assistance.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE TF-30-P-8109) (HEIGHT 20) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/EF-111-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1981) (LENGTH 76) (MADE-BY GRUMMAN) (MAX-MACH 2.2) (MAX-RANGE 2000) (MAX-SPEED 1650) (MAX-WEIGHT 89000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'ELECTRONIC-WARFARE 1)) (NAME "Raven") (PAYLOAD 7000) (SEE-ALSO F-111) (SEEN-FROM F-111) (WINGSPAN 63))) (TELL (:ABOUT F-101-GE-102 TURBOFAN-ENGINE AFTERBURNING-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY B-1) (MADE-BY GE) (THRUST 30000))) (TELL (:ABOUT F-111 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT ALL-WEATHER (STORES 20MM-VULCAN) (STORES 600G-TANK) (STORES AGM-130) (STORES MK82) (STORES MK84) (SEEN-FROM EF-111) (SEE-ALSO EF-111) (CEILING 60000) (COST 18000000) (CREW-SIZE 2) (DESIGNATION 'F-111F) (DOCUMENTATION "The F-111 is a multipurpose tactical fighter bomber capable of supersonic speeds. It can operate from tree-top level to altitudes above 60,000 feet. The F-111 has variable-sweep wings that allow the pilot to fly from slow approach speeds to supersonic velocity at sea level and more than twice the speed of sound at higher altitudes. The F-111 can carry conventional as well as nuclear weapons.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE F100-PW-100) (HEIGHT 17.1) (IN-SERVICE 1967) (LENGTH 73.5) (MADE-BY GENERAL-DYNAMICS) (MAX-MACH 2.5) (MAX-RANGE 3565) (MAX-SPEED 1850) (MAX-WEIGHT 100000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'STRIKE 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'INTERDICTION 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'STRATEGIC-BOMBING 1)) (NAME "Aardvark") (PAYLOAD 25000) (WINGSPAN 63))) (TELL (:ABOUT F-117 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT STEALTH-TECHNOLOGY (STORES AIM-9M) (STORES MK82) (STORES MK84) (COST 45000000) (CREW-SIZE 1) (DESIGNATION 'F-117A) (DOCUMENTATION "The F-117A Nighthawk is the world's first operational aircraft designed to exploit low-observable stealth technology.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE F404) (HEIGHT 12.5) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/F-117-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1982) (LENGTH 66) (MADE-BY LOCKHEED-MARTIN) (MAX-SPEED 650) (MAX-WEIGHT 52500) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'STRIKE 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'INTERDICTION 1)) (NAME "Stealth Fighter") (NAME "Nighthawk") (WINGSPAN 43.4))) (TELL (:ABOUT F-118-GE-100 JET-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY B-2) (MADE-BY GE) (THRUST 17300))) (TELL (:ABOUT F-15 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT ALL-WEATHER (STORES 20MM-VULCAN) (STORES 600G-TANK) (STORES AIM-120) (STORES AIM-7M) (STORES AIM-9M) (CEILING 65000) (COST 15000000) (CREW-SIZE 1) (DESIGNATION 'F-15C) (DOCUMENTATION "The F-15 Eagle is an all-weather, extremely maneuverable, tactical fighter designed to gain and maintain air superiority in aerial combat.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE F100-PW-100) (HEIGHT 19) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/F-15-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1972) (LENGTH 64) (MADE-BY MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS) (MAX-MACH 2.5) (MAX-RANGE 3450) (MAX-SPEED 1875) (MAX-WEIGHT 68000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'AIR-SUPERIORITY 1)) (NAME "Eagle") (WINGSPAN 42))) (TELL (:ABOUT F-16 FIXED-WING-AIRCRAFT (STORES 20MM-VULCAN) (STORES 300G-TANK) (STORES AGM-88) (STORES AIM-120) (STORES AIM-7M) (STORES AIM-9M) (STORES ALQ-131) (STORES MK82) (STORES MK84) (CEILING 50000) (COST 12800000) (CREW-SIZE 1) (DESIGNATION 'F-16C) (DOCUMENTATION "The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a compact, multirole fighter aircraft. It is highly maneuverable and has proven itself in air-to-air combat and air-to-surface attack. It provides a relatively low-cost, high-performance weapon system for the air forces of the United States and allied nations.") (ENGINE-COUNT 1) (ENGINE-TYPE F110-GE-200) (HEIGHT 16) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/F-16-ac.gif") (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/F-16x-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1979) (LENGTH 49) (MADE-BY GENERAL-DYNAMICS) (MAX-MACH 2) (MAX-RANGE 2000) (MAX-SPEED 1500) (MAX-WEIGHT 37500) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'AIR-SUPERIORITY 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'CAS 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'STRIKE 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'INTERDICTION 1)) (NAME "Fighting Falcon") (SEE-ALSO (THE-RELATION 'SUPERSONIC-AIRCRAFT 1)) (SEE-ALSO SEE-ALSO-LINK-00001) (SEE-ALSO SEE-ALSO-LINK-00002) (SEE-ALSO "Jane's all the World's Aircraft") (WINGSPAN 33))) (TELL (:ABOUT F100-PW-100 TURBOFAN-ENGINE AFTERBURNING-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY F-111) (ENGINE-USED-BY F-15) (MADE-BY PRATT-&-WHITNEY) (THRUST 25000))) (TELL (:ABOUT F110-GE-200 TURBOFAN-ENGINE AFTERBURNING-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY F-16) (MADE-BY GE) (THRUST 27000))) (TELL (:ABOUT F117-PW-100 TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY C-17) (MADE-BY PRATT-&-WHITNEY) (THRUST 40900))) (TELL (:ABOUT F404 TURBOFAN-ENGINE AFTERBURNING-ENGINE JET-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY CF-18) (ENGINE-USED-BY F-117) (MADE-BY GE) (THRUST 16040))) (TELL (:ABOUT FAIRCHILD-REPUBLIC MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES A-10))) (TELL (:ABOUT GARRETT MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES TFE-731-2-2B))) (TELL (:ABOUT GE MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES F-101-GE-102) (MANUFACTURES F-118-GE-100) (MANUFACTURES F110-GE-200) (MANUFACTURES F404) (MANUFACTURES TF39-GE-1C) (MANUFACTURES T58-GE-5) (MANUFACTURES T64-GE-100) (MANUFACTURES TF34-GE-100))) (TELL (:ABOUT GENERAL-DYNAMICS MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES F-111) (MANUFACTURES F-16))) (TELL (:ABOUT GRUMMAN MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES A-6) (MANUFACTURES EF-111))) (TELL (:ABOUT GULFSTREAM (MANUFACTURES C-20))) (TELL (:ABOUT HH-1 ROTARY-WING-AIRCRAFT (MADE-BY BELL) (CEILING 15000) (COST 1900000) (CREW-SIZE 2) (DESIGNATION 'HH-1H) (DOCUMENTATION "The HH-1H is a light-lift Air Force helicopter used for distinguished visitor transport, and support of missile sites and ranges. It is the single-engine version of the Huey helicopters first flown in 1956.") (ENGINE-COUNT 1) (ENGINE-TYPE T-53-L-13B) (HEIGHT 13) (LENGTH 57) (MAX-RANGE 345) (MAX-SPEED 133) (MAX-WEIGHT 9500) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'TRANSPORT 1)) (NAME "Iroquois") (PASSENGER-CAPACITY 12) (ROTOR-DIAMETER 48.4) (WIDTH 9.5))) (TELL (:ABOUT HH-3E ROTARY-WING-AIRCRAFT (CEILING 12000) (COST 5400000) (CREW-SIZE 4) (DESIGNATION 'HH-3E) (DOCUMENTATION "The HH-3E, the Jolly Green Giant, is a twin-engine, heavy-lift helicopter. It is used for search and recovery of personnel and aerospace hardware in support of global air and space operations. It is also used for combat and special operations. ") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE T58-GE-5) (HEIGHT 18) (IN-SERVICE 1966) (LENGTH 72) (MADE-BY SIKORSKY) (MAX-RANGE 600) (MAX-SPEED 164) (MAX-WEIGHT 22050) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'SAR 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'TRANSPORT 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'SPECIAL-OPERATIONS 1)) (NAME "Jolly Green Giant") (PASSENGER-CAPACITY 25) (PAYLOAD 5000) (ROTOR-DIAMETER 62))) (TELL (:ABOUT HUGHES MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES AIM-120))) (TELL (:ABOUT J52-P8B TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY A-6) (MADE-BY PRATT-&-WHITNEY) (THRUST 9300))) (TELL (:ABOUT JT8D-7 TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY C-22) (MADE-BY PRATT-&-WHITNEY) (THRUST 14000))) (TELL (:ABOUT JT8D-9A TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY C-9) (MADE-BY PRATT-&-WHITNEY) (THRUST 14500))) (TELL (:ABOUT LEARJET MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES C-21))) (TELL (:ABOUT LOCKHEED-MARTIN MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES C-130) (MANUFACTURES C-141) (MANUFACTURES C-5) (MANUFACTURES F-117))) (TELL (:ABOUT LYCOMING MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES T-53-L-13B))) (TELL (:ABOUT MCDONNEL-DOUGLAS (MANUFACTURES C-17))) (TELL (:ABOUT MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES AGM-84) (MANUFACTURES C-9) (MANUFACTURES CF-18) (MANUFACTURES F-15))) (TELL (:ABOUT MH-53J ROTARY-WING-AIRCRAFT (CEILING 16000) (COST 25000000) (CREW-SIZE 6) (DESIGNATION 'MH-53J) (DOCUMENTATION "The MH-53J's mission is to perform low-level, long-range, undetected penetration into denied areas, day or night, in adverse weather, for infiltration, exfiltration and resupply of special operations forces. The MH-53J heavy-lift helicopter is the largest and most powerful helicopter in the Air Force inventory, and the most technologically advanced helicopter in the world.") (ENGINE-COUNT 2) (ENGINE-TYPE T64-GE-100) (HEIGHT 25) (HTML-IMAGE "images/aircraft/MH-53J-ac.gif") (IN-SERVICE 1981) (LENGTH 92) (MADE-BY SIKORSKY) (MAX-RANGE 630) (MAX-SPEED 164) (MAX-WEIGHT 46000) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'TRANSPORT 1)) (MISSION (THE-RELATION 'SPECIAL-OPERATIONS 1)) (NAME "Pave Low") (NAME "Pave Low III") (PASSENGER-CAPACITY 38) (PAYLOAD 20000) (ROTOR-DIAMETER 72))) (TELL (:ABOUT MK82 BOMB (CARRIED-BY A-10) (CARRIED-BY A-6) (CARRIED-BY B-52) (CARRIED-BY CF-18) (CARRIED-BY F-111) (CARRIED-BY F-117) (CARRIED-BY F-16) (DESIGNATION 'MK-82) (MAX-WEIGHT 500) (NAME "500lb bomb") (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'GROUND-UNIT 1)))) (TELL (:ABOUT MK84 BOMB (CARRIED-BY A-10) (CARRIED-BY A-6) (CARRIED-BY B-52) (CARRIED-BY CF-18) (CARRIED-BY F-111) (CARRIED-BY F-117) (CARRIED-BY F-16) (DESIGNATION 'MK-84) (MAX-WEIGHT 2000) (NAME "2000lb bomb") (TARGET-TYPE (THE-RELATION 'GROUND-UNIT 1)))) (TELL (:ABOUT NAVAL-WEAPONS-CENTER MILITARY-ORGANIZATION MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES AIM-9M))) (TELL (:ABOUT NORTHRUP MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES B-2))) (TELL (:ABOUT PRATT-&-WHITNEY MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES F100-PW-100) (MANUFACTURES F117-PW-100) (MANUFACTURES J52-P8B) (MANUFACTURES JT8D-7) (MANUFACTURES JT8D-9A) (MANUFACTURES TF33-P-7) (MANUFACTURES TF-30-P-8109) (MANUFACTURES TF33-PW-100A) (MANUFACTURES TF-33-P-3/103))) (TELL (:ABOUT RAYTHEON MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES AIM-120) (MANUFACTURES AIM-7M))) (TELL (:ABOUT ROCKWELL MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES AGM-130) (MANUFACTURES B-1))) (TELL (:ABOUT ROLLS-ROYCE MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES SPEY-MK511-8))) (TELL (:ABOUT SEE-ALSO-LINK-00001 (SEEN-FROM F-16) (QV-DISPLAY-LEADING-IMAGE "/cl-http/icons/check-yes.gif") (QV-DISPLAY-TEXT "Source Data") (QV-DISPLAY-TRAILING-IMAGE "/cl-http/icons/star1.gif") (QV-IMAGE-BORDER 0) (QV-URL "http://www.dtic.mil/airforcelink/pa/factsheets/F_16_Fighting_Falcon.html"))) (TELL (:ABOUT SEE-ALSO-LINK-00002 (SEEN-FROM F-16) (QV-DISPLAY-LEADING-IMAGE "/loom/images/aircraft/denyflt2-thumb.gif") (QV-DISPLAY-TEXT "") (QV-URL "http://www.dtic.dla.mil/airforcelink/photos/c0695_denyflt2.html"))) (TELL (:ABOUT SIKORSKY MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES HH-3E) (MANUFACTURES MH-53J))) (TELL (:ABOUT SPEY-MK511-8 TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY C-20) (MADE-BY ROLLS-ROYCE) (THRUST 11400))) (TELL (:ABOUT T-53-L-13B TURBOSHAFT-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY HH-1) (MADE-BY LYCOMING) (SHAFT-HORSEPOWER 1400))) (TELL (:ABOUT T56-A-15 TURBOPROP-ENGINE (MADE-BY ALLISON) (ENGINE-USED-BY C-130) (HORSEPOWER 4300))) (TELL (:ABOUT T58-GE-5 ENGINE (MADE-BY GE) (ENGINE-USED-BY HH-3E) (THRUST 1500))) (TELL (:ABOUT T64-GE-100 ENGINE (MADE-BY GE) (ENGINE-USED-BY MH-53J) (SHAFT-HORSEPOWER 4330))) (TELL (:ABOUT TEXAS-INSTRUMENTS MANUFACTURER (MANUFACTURES AGM-88))) (TELL (:ABOUT TF-30-P-8109 TURBOFAN-ENGINE AFTERBURNING-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY EF-111) (MADE-BY PRATT-&-WHITNEY) (THRUST 21000))) (TELL (:ABOUT TF-33-P-3/103 TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY B-52) (MADE-BY PRATT-&-WHITNEY) (THRUST 17000))) (TELL (:ABOUT TF33-P-7 TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY C-141) (MADE-BY PRATT-&-WHITNEY) (THRUST 20250))) (TELL (:ABOUT TF33-PW-100A TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY E-3) (MADE-BY PRATT-&-WHITNEY) (THRUST 21000))) (TELL (:ABOUT TF34-GE-100 TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY A-10) (MADE-BY GE) (THRUST 9065))) (TELL (:ABOUT TF39-GE-1C TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY C-5) (MADE-BY GE) (THRUST 41000))) (TELL (:ABOUT TFE-731-2-2B TURBOFAN-ENGINE (ENGINE-USED-BY C-21) (MADE-BY GARRETT) (THRUST 3500))) (TELL (:ABOUT US-ANG MILITARY-ORGANIZATION AIR-ORGANIZATION)) (TELL (:ABOUT US-NAVY MILITARY-ORGANIZATION AIR-ORGANIZATION)) (TELL (:ABOUT USAF MILITARY-ORGANIZATION AIR-ORGANIZATION)) (TELL (:ABOUT USAF-RESERVE MILITARY-ORGANIZATION AIR-ORGANIZATION)) (TELL (:ABOUT CALIBER (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dmm"))) (TELL (:ABOUT CEILING (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~:Dft"))) (TELL (:ABOUT COST (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "$~:D"))) (TELL (:ABOUT DIAMETER (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft"))) (TELL (:ABOUT HEIGHT (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft"))) (TELL (:ABOUT HORSEPOWER (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dhp"))) (TELL (:ABOUT LANDING-DISTANCE (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft"))) (TELL (:ABOUT LENGTH (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft"))) (TELL (:ABOUT MAX-RANGE (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~D miles"))) (TELL (:ABOUT MAX-SPEED (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dmph"))) (TELL (:ABOUT MAX-WEIGHT (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~:Dlbs"))) (TELL (:ABOUT NORMAL-RANGE (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~D miles"))) (TELL (:ABOUT PAYLOAD (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~:Dlb"))) (TELL (:ABOUT ROTOR-DIAMETER (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft"))) (TELL (:ABOUT SHAFT-HORSEPOWER (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dshp"))) (TELL (:ABOUT TAKE-OFF-DISTANCE (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft"))) (TELL (:ABOUT THRUST (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dlb"))) (TELL (:ABOUT WIDTH (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft"))) (TELL (:ABOUT WINGSPAN (VALUE-FORMAT-STRING "~Dft"))) (TELL (:ABOUT AIR-SUPERIORITY COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT AIRCRAFT (ATTACKED-BY 20MM-VULCAN) (ATTACKED-BY AIM-120) (ATTACKED-BY AIM-7M) (ATTACKED-BY AIM-9M))) (TELL (:ABOUT CLOSE-AIR-SUPPORT COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT COMBAT-MISSION MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT COMMAND NON-COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT ELECTRONIC-WARFARE COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT EVACUATION TRANSPORTING NON-COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT GROUND-UNIT (ATTACKED-BY 20MM-VULCAN) (ATTACKED-BY 30MM-GAU) (ATTACKED-BY AGM-130) (ATTACKED-BY AGM-62) (ATTACKED-BY AGM-65) (ATTACKED-BY AGM-88) (ATTACKED-BY MK82) (ATTACKED-BY MK84))) (TELL (:ABOUT INTERCEPTION COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT INTERDICTION COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT NAVAL-UNIT (ATTACKED-BY AGM-84))) (TELL (:ABOUT NON-COMBAT-MISSION MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT RECONNAISSANCE NON-COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT SAR NON-COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT SUPPRESSION-OF-ENEMY-AIR-DEFENSE COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT SPECIAL-OPERATIONS COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT STRATEGIC-BOMBING COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT STRIKE COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT SUPERSONIC-AIRCRAFT (SEEN-FROM F-16))) (TELL (:ABOUT SURVEILLANCE NON-COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (:ABOUT TRANSPORTING NON-COMBAT-MISSION)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-130 USAF 98)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-130 USAF-RESERVE 606)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-130 US-ANG 173)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-141 USAF 241)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-141 USAF-RESERVE 12)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-141 US-ANG 16)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-5 USAF 70)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-5 USAF-RESERVE 28)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-5 US-ANG 11)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-20 USAF 10)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-21 USAF 70)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-21 US-ANG 4)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-22 US-ANG 4)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE C-9 USAF 10)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE F-15 USAF 403)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE F-15 US-ANG 126)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE F-111 USAF 225)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE EF-111 USAF 40)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE F-16 USAF 804)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE F-16 USAF-RESERVE 150)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE F-16 US-ANG 634)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE CF-18 CANADIAN-AF 86)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE F-117 USAF 56)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE HH-3E USAF 12)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE MH-53J USAF 41)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE HH-1 USAF 25)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE E-3 USAF 29)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE B-52 USAF 84)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE B-1 USAF 94)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE B-2 USAF 20)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE A-10 USAF 72)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE A-10 USAF-RESERVE 87)) (TELL (FLEET-SIZE A-10 US-ANG 84)) ;;; Facet Assertions: ;;; Context Assertions: (TELL (DOCUMENTATION (THE-CONTEXT 'AIRCRAFT) "Information in this theory is derived from publicly available sources, principally the United States Air Force and Navy Fact Sheets. Images are from the US Air Force, US Navy and other on-line sources.")) (TELL (HTML-IMAGE (THE-CONTEXT 'AIRCRAFT) "images/aircraft/F-16-shoot-ac.gif")) ;;; END OF DATA (creation-policy savedCreationPolicy) (eval-when #+:CLTL2 (:EXECUTE :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL) #-:CLTL2(LOAD EVAL COMPILE) (change-context savedContext)) #+(or :loom3 :loom4) (setq loom::*automatically-advance-state-p* savedAutoAdvance) (apply #'set-features savedLoomFeatures)