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NS-2.1 installation problem


I am installing ns-2.1b2 on SUN/Solaris 2.5 system. Since I am not
superuser, I try to install it in my own directory(by specifying --prefix
and --exec-prefix on invoking configure). But after compilation, whenever
I start ns, I got these output on stderr:

ns: tcl error on eval of: 

if {[info commands debug] == ""} {
set warnedFlag 0
proc debug args {
global warnedFlag
if !$warnedFlag {
puts stderr "Script debugging disabled.  Reconfigure with --with-tcldebug,
and recompile."
set warnedFlag 1

Class Simulator

Class Node
Node set nn_ 0

....quite long....

Simulator instproc lossmodel {lossobj from to} {
set link [$self link $from $to]
set head [$link head]
$lossobj target [$head target]
$head target $lossobj

I am using tcl7.6/tk4.2/otcl-0.96/tclcl-1.0b3. Does anyone meet this
before or any suggestion? Thanks

Kai Tang