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Interpreted and compiled hierarchies


I've just installed ns on my computer so I'm currently trying to figure
out how to use it. I've read the ns Notes and Documentation found on
the ns-hompage. Some questions I have are: 

If I do the following:
> ns sim.tcl 
where sim.tcl is my otcl script what happens? Is the script
interpreted or is the c++ mirror classes compiled and run?  As you may
realise I haven't relly got a grip on how the interpreted and compiled
hierarchies relate. If some one could explain this I'd be very greateful.

If I start ns and give the command ?
I get a very long string of commands and classes how do I get more
information about these? (Sure there is some information about this in
the ns Notes and Documentation, but I think the step between this
document and writing your own simulation is a bit big.)


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