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Question about loss insertion

Hi everybody,

	I tried to insert an error loss model between the delay link
(link_) element and the ttl_ element. The result is that tcp packet seem
to not go through the link.

	Does anybody have a suggestion ?

	I use the following procedure :

SimpleLink instproc add-loss { ns em } {
        $self instvar queue_ head_ link_ isLossy_ deqT_ lossModule_

        # set em between a queue and a DelayLink
        $em onlink

	if [info exists link_] {
	    $em target [$link_ target]
	    $link_ target $em
	} else {
	    puts "link_ does not exist"
	    exit 1

        set isLossy_ 1
        set lossModule_ $em

Saad Biaz (Abou Youssef)		Graduate Research Assistant	
Texas A&M University			Office : (409) 845-5007
Department of Computer Science		Home   : (409) 862-9135
College Station, TX, 77843-3112         Fax    : (409) 847-8578