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Re: How to implement routing protocol

On Mon, 22 Jun 1998, Kannan Varadhan wrote:

> Could you tell me what your routing needs are, so I can tell
> you where to start looking?
Thanks for your reply.

I need to implement a protocol somewhat like DV. 
To implement the protocol, 
1). I have to setup my own routing packets. 
2). The nodes should send the packets to their neighbors periodically. 

I tried to understand how DV works. However, the two files rtProtoDV(.h,
.cc) are small. I don't know where DV is really implememted. Neither do I
know whether this is a good way.

> Also, if you have suggestions on what is missing or unlcear 
> about the unicast routing documentation, please let us know,
> and we will try to address it.
The documentation itself is a good technical report. However, it is
difficult to undertand for new users, especially lack of examples. I just
read Marc Greis's tutorial. It is much easy to understand. I hope there
are such kind of tutorials for each part of NS.

> Kannan
> --
> [email protected]
> http://www.isi.edu/~kannan

Gang Xu
Department of CS
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Tel: (205)348-0996(O)