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Re: GT-ITM Question (fwd)

On Thu, 25 Jun 1998, Christos Papadopoulos wrote:

> Anyone knows how to parse the output of GT-ITM?
> Specifically, I want to distinguish transit and stub nodes.
> I suppose the T and S preceeding a vertice is what distinguishes
> them, but it's not clear what the rest of the items are.

Yes, T indicates a Transit. "T:0.0",A136,53,0 would mean a transit node 0
in the zeroth domain. I'm not sure what the rest means coz I didn't need
and "S:0.0/1.0",A19,71,25 indicates a stub node connected from a T:0.0
transit node and its own nomenclature being 1.0 - zeroth node in cluster 1
in that given stub.

> Also, does sgb2ns preserve the order in the GT-ITM output
> when creating nodes? In other words, if there are 4 transit
> nodes, are these guaranteed to be n(0) - n(3)? It looks like
> the answer is no.

sgb ts graphs are typically created with transit nodes first followed with
stubs, for a given domain, and replicates this for every domain in a
multidomain topology.
sgb2ns doesnot preserve this T-S concept. however sgb2hierns, the
converter used to create hierarchical topologies does preserve the concept
of T-S and domains. 
You can download both sgb2ns and sgb2hierns pkgs from

Hope this helps,


> Thanks,
> Christos.

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