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HOT CHIPS 10: Advance Program August 16-18, 1998

                         H O T C H I P S   1 0
		A Symposium on High-Performance Chips

	      August 16-18, 1997 Memorial Auditorium,
                Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Hot Chips 10 brings together designers and architects of
high-performance chips, software, and systems. Presentations focus on
up-to-the-minute real developments. This symposium is the primary forum
for engineers and researchers to highlight their leading-edge designs.
Three full days of tutorials and technical sessions will keep you on
top of the industry.

Sunday August 16
Morning Tutorial:

Intellectual Property Law as Applied to the Computer and Electronics

Margaret Jane Radin
William Benjamin Scott & Luna M. Scott Professor of Law
Stanford Law School

The tutorial will outline the basics of the traditional forms of legal
protection of intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights
and trade secrets) and describe some of the issues posed by
developments in information technology and the global networked
environment.  We will consider how intellectual property protection is
established, how it functions in practice, and what happens when
intellectual property rights are infringed.  We will look at not only
the different principles of each form of protection, but also how their
boundaries are delineated, and where those boundaries are blurred (e.g.
copyright vs. patenting of software.) We will also consider how
economic factors relate to the extent of intellectual property
protection, and we will consider the significance of non-property (the
public domain) for the comp etitive marketplace and for future

Afternoon Tutorial

Fast CPUs Are Good ... but Fast I/O is Better

Speaker: Silicon Graphics Peripherals Team

Fast microprocessors need large storage and fast I/O.  This tutorial
will include overviews of various I/O technologies, how they fit
togehter, and where they seem to be going, including peripheral
connections, disks, removables, and performance issues.
    1) Overview of the various technologies, how they fit together,
        and where they are going.
    2) Survey of peripheral connections, e.g. SCSI, FibreChannel, 1394
    3) Disk technologies
	History, specifications, technologies, capacities, bandwidths,
	Fixed and removables
	Near-term futures
    4) CDROMs, DVD, etc
    5) Tapes
    6) Real problems or "your mileage may vary"
	Peak numbers vs. real numbers
	real case studies of extreme I/O demands

Monday August 17
9:00-9:15	Welcome, Opening remarks (General and Program Chairs)

9:15-10:45 Session 1: High Performance Processors (part 1) 
John Mashey, chair

The Alpha 21264 Microprocessor: Out-Of-Order Execution at 600 Mhz
	R. E. Kessler,Digital Equipment Corporation
UltraSPARC-III: A 600 MHz 64-bit Superscalar Processor for 1000-way
Scalable Systems
	Gary Lauterbach, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Techniques for Mitigating Memory Latency in the PA-8500 Processor
	David Johnson, Hewlett-Packard

10:45-11:15 Break
11:15-12:15 Session 2: Embedded and Embeddable Processors	
Kazuaki Murakami, chair

The M32Rx/D - A Single Chip Microcontroller With a 4MB Internal DRAM
	Toru Shimizu, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Genesis microprocessor
	Jack Choquette, SandCraft Inc.

12:15-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:15 Session 3: Monica Lam, chair
    Keynote: Greg Papadopoulos, CTO, Sun Microsystems

2:15-2:30 Short break

2:30-4:00   Session 4:Specialized Chips	
Alan Smith, chair

Designing a Single Chip Chess Grandmaster While Knowing Nothing about
	Feng-hsiung Hsu, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
An Encryption Accelerator and Coprocessor
	Mark Birman, Hi/fn
The EMU10K1 Digital Audio Processor
	Tom Savel, E-mu Systems, Inc.

4:00-4:30 Break

4:30-6:00   Session 5:High Performance Processors  (part 2)	
Marc Tremblay, chair

IBM S/390 G5 Microprocessor
	Timothy J. Slegel, Robert M. Averill III, Mark A. Check, Bruce
	C. Giamei, Barry W. Krumm, Christopher A. Krygowski, Wen H. Li,
	John S. Liptay, John D. MacDougall, Thomas J. McPherson,
	Jennifer A. Navarro, Eric M. Schwarz, Kevin Shum, and Charles
	F. Webb,
	IBM Corporation
A CMOS Vector Processor with Custom Streaming Cache
	Greg Faanes, Cray Research
AltiVec(tm) Technology:  Accelerating Media Processing Across the
	Keith Diefendorff*, Pradeep Dubey**, Ron Hochsprung*, Brett
	Olsson**, Hunter Scales*** (*Apple Computer, **IBM,


6:00-7:30   Dinner
7:30-9:00   Session 6: Panel: Can Microsoft be Stopped?	
John Wharton, chair; Panelists: TBA

Microsoft's hold on the industry keeps growing. Are there any fronts --
business, technology, content  or legal -- where the company may be

Tuesday August 18
9:00-10:30  Session 7: MPEG and Digital TV	
Gert Slavenburg, chair

A Single-chip MPEG2 MP@ML Video Encoder with Multi-chip Configuration
for a Single-board MP@HL Encoder
	Toshihiro Minami, Toshio Kondo, Koyo Nitta, Kazuhito Suguri,
	Mitsuo Ikeda, Takeshi Yoshitome, Hiroshi Watanabe, Hiroe
	Iwasaki, Katsuyuki Ochiai, Jiro Naganuma, Makoto Endo, Eiichi
	Yamagishi, Takuro Takahashi, Koichi Tadaishi, Yutaka Tashiro,
	Naoki Kobayashi, Tsuneo Okubo, Takeshi Ogura, Ryota Kasai, NTT
TM2000: A Single-Chip DTV Media Processor from Trimedia
	Selliah Rathnam and Gerrit Slavenburg, Trimedia Product Group
A New Chipset for DTV Compliant with ATSC Standard
	Hee-Bok Park, Cheol-Kyo Suh, Seung-Jong Choi, Dong-Il Han,
	Jin-Gyeong Kim, Dae-Hyup Ko, Jong-Seok Park,  LG Electronics

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00-12:30 Session 8: General Puropose Processors with Integrated
Media Support	 
Kunle Olukotun, chair

A High Performance x86 Processor with Integrated 3D Graphics
	Rich Perego, Cyrix Corporation
Novel Multimedia Instruction Capabilities in VLIW Media Processors
	J.T.J. van Eijndhoven,  Philips Research Laboratories
	Eindhoven, F. W. Sijstermans, Eindhoven University of
SA-1500: A 300 MHz RISC CPU with Attached Media Processor
	Prashant P. Gandhi, Intel Corp.

12:30-2:00 Lunch

2:00-4:00   Session 9: Graphics Accelerators	
Bill Dally, chair

Intel i740 Graphics Accelerator
	Tom Piazza, Intel Corp.
Blitzen: Lightning Speed 3D Geometry Accelerator
	Alan Krech, Hewlett-Packard
Neon: A (Big) (Fast) Single-Chip 3D Graphics Accelerator
	Joel McCormack, Robert McNamara, Christopher Gianos, and Norman
	Jouppi, Digital Equipment Corporation; Larry Seiler and Ken
	Correll, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory
VelaTX - Innovative 3D Architecture Coupled with Embedded DRAM
	Michael C. Lewis, Joseph C. Del Rio, Stellar Semiconductor,

4:00-4:30 Break

4:30-5:30   Session 10: High Performance PC Processors	
Ruby Lee, chair

AMD 3DNow! Technology and the K6-2 Microprocessor
	Stuart Oberman, Fred Weber, Norbert Juffa, Greg Favor, AMD

5:30-5:40 Closing Remarks
Organizing Committee                    Program Committee
--------------------                    -----------------
Chair                                   Program   Co-Chairs
  Allen Baum          Compaq             John Wawrzynek    U.C. Berkeley
Vice Chair                               Norm Jouppi       Compaq
  S. Diane Smith      Santa Clara Univ
Finance                                 Program Committee
  Lily Jow            Compaq              Bill Dally	   Stanford Univ.
Publicity                                 Monica Lam	   Stanford Univ.
  Cynthia Garb        GHI                 Ruby Lee	   Hewlett Packard
Registration                              John Mashey	   Silicon Graphics
  Richard Karpinski   Maqc                Jack Mills	   Intel
Publications                              Alan Smith	   U.C. Berkeley
  David Moberly       Hewlett-Packard     Kazuaki Murakami Kyushu Univ.
Local Arrangements                        Kunle Olukotun   Stanford Univ.
  Amr Zaky            Silicon Graphics    Gert Slavenburg  Philips Semi.
  Bob Lashley         Sun Microsystems    Marc Tremblay	   Sun Microsystems
  Dave Gallaher       SFSFC               John Wharton	   Applications
  Alan Alcorn         Interval Research
At  Large
  Bob Stewart         SRE
  Martin Freeman      Philips
  Slava Mach          SCVCS Chair
  Carey Kornfeld      Kdesign

        Hot Chips will be held in Memorial Auditorium
	on the campus of Stanford University, Palo Alto, California,
	approximately 24 miles from San Francisco airport,
	and 15 miles from San Jose airport.

Driving Directions:
        From San Francisco, take highway 101 south
        From San Jose,      take highway 101 north
	Take the Embarcadero exit west and go 3 miles until you enter
	the Stanford campus.
        Signs will then point you to conference parking.
        Maps of Stanford campus and surrounding areas are available at
        Mass transit information is available at http://www.transitinfo.org/

	Mid-August is typically in the 80s(F) and sunny during the
	day.  Nights are much cooler; a light jacket or sweater is

        Hotel information for the area is available at:

	http://soi.stanford.edu/general/meetings/hotel.html or
	http://www.stanford.edu/dept/hds/chs/general/hotel.html or

        The closest hotel is the Palo Alto Holiday Inn.
        Reservations well in advance are advised.

	On-campus housing is also available in student residences, and
	can be arranged by contacting the Stanford Conference Office at
	(650) 725-1429 or [email protected].

        Rates are $45.00 per night for single occupancy
        and       $32.00 per night per person for shared occupancy.

Conference registration includes:
       * attendance
       * one copy of notes
       * two luncheons
       * coffee breaks
       * Sunday afternoon wine and cheese reception
       * Monday evening reception
       * parking

Tutorial registration includes:
       * attendance for tutorials
       * one copy of notes
       * luncheon
       * coffee breaks
       * Sunday afternoon wine and cheese reception 
       * parking

Registration can be done through our secure web server at http://hot.org.

Web registration is preferred, but the form below can also be mailed to:

12340 Indian Trail Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95033-8241 or faxed to (408) 867-5831.

First Name ______________________ Last Name_________________________________

Title____________________________ Organization______________________________


Address 2___________________________________________________________________

City_______________________ State _____ Zip Code_________ Country___________

Area Code / Phone Number ___ / ___ - _____ Fax  Phone Number ___/___-_______

E-mail Address ____________________

Food Preference: Vegetarian __Non-vegetarian __

Membership : IEEE/CS __ ACM __ Non-member __ Student __

Member Number_________________

Payement Method : Check ____ Visa ____ MasterCard ____

Total Amount Paid $_______ check to be drawn in US $
payable to : Hot Chips

Credit Card #___________________________

Expiration Date : (Month) ___ / (Year) ___

Cardholder Name _____________________

Signature ____________________________   If I cancel my registration after
                                         I agree to pay the entire bill.

Date Sent ____ / ____ / ____

Fees: Please CIRCLE Approriate Fees
   Advanced Reg: before July 24th | Late / On-site Registration	|
Conf:	  HC	 HI	 HC+HI		HC	HI	HC+HI	|
Member	 180 	 250	 390	  |	300	300	540	|
NonMemb	 240	 300	 485	  |	360	375	665	|
Student	  60	 100	 145	  |	 80	125	185	|
			Hot Chips Tutorials			|
	  40			  |	 80			|
			Hot Interconnects Tutorials		|
	 morn	aft	both	 	 morn	aft	both	|
	 morn	aft	both	  |	 morn	aft	both	|
Member	 100	200	200	  |	 125	250	250	|
NonMemb	 125	250	250	  |	 150	300	300	|
Stud.	  25	 50	 50	  |	  35	 70	 70	|

All funds are US$
We accept Visa or Mastercard, or checks if registering by mail.
Registrants will be sent a confirmation by email.

Refunds due to cancellations will only be made prior to August 6,
and will incur a service charge of $25.

Students must supply a copy of their school's ID card.

For answers to questions about registration, contact us by email at
[email protected] or [email protected].  For other
information, contact us by email at [email protected] or
[email protected].