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Re: TCP over satellite and mobile

	Hi, Roger!

> Hi, 
> I am trying to do some simulation regarding TCP performance over
> satellite and mobile. If anyone has ever worked on this subjuct please
> help.

As I understand, one encounters much the same problems in mobile and satellite network. I have done some research on cellular networks with NS, but unfortunately the NS package does not have (at least did not have what I needed:( )much to offer in this area. You have to code most of it by yourself if you want anything special. The general stuff is there(good too!), but all fancy features you have to do. (It's not _that_ hard..:-)

> I need to know how can we simulate the spoofing mecanism with NS.
Spoofing as in packet sniffing? It is possible.. Same as above.

This sounds bad, doesn't it? It isn't, trust me.

Cheers /Wesa