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Need Help...

Dear NS users,

I am a research assistant here trying to figure out NS mechanisms.

I need to do application layer modeling of services like SMTP,
FTP, etc. I want to send the real application layer messages such
as LIST, PORT etc (in case of FTP) to the server. The server in
turn should process these and respond back to the client.

I am trying to use Agent/TCP/FullTcp as my transport mechanism
and then trying to code the application layer messaging on top of
that. In other words, I am trying to create my own Application/Myapp

Do u have any advice to offer in this regard ? Is this approach 
correct or is there any simpler mechanism available ? If u can send 
me any sample code u might have written in this regard, it can solve
a lot of my problems.

Thanks for your time.



Dept. of Telecommunication and Mathematics  Email  : [email protected]
University of Karlskrona/Ronneby            Phone  :   +46-455-78038
S-371 79 Karlskrona                         Fax    :   +46-455-78057
Sweden                                      Mobile :  +46-708-876803