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Re: call for ns code contribution

Hi all,

We have implemented the ns simulation of Cisco's PGM protocol. If you are
interested, you can download it from

For those who already got the source from me, please refer to this
version for bug

A relevant paper (under submission) presenting our simulation results can
be found at http://www.ccrc.wustl.edu/~christos/html/rmrg-London98.html

As usual, your comments are highly welcome.

Haobo Yu wrote:

> Dear rm researchers,
> In order to make ns a richer platform for reliable multicast
> researches we would like to make a list of available reliable
> multicast modules.
> To add your reliable multicast, please send us:
> (1) which version of ns was the code written for;
> (2) a pointer to C/C++/OTcl codes as well as simulation scripts;
> (3) a simple README explaining special setups needed to run the
>     simulations or tests.
> (4) an example script illustrating the use of your protocol.
> We're also happy to work with developers to integrate their code into
> the ns core.  To do this, we need (in addition to 1-4 above):
> (5) code which works with the most recently released version of ns
> (6) a test script exercising most important points of your protocol
>     (see the sample tests in tcl/test of the ns directory)
> (7) documentation comparable to the Agent/SRM chapter of ``ns notes
>     and documentation''
> (We realize that 5-7 are more work than simply 1-4.  Without a test
> suite we cannot insure that your code will work in future ns releases;
> without documentation your code won't be very useful to others.  The
> advantage is that with these it will be much easier for other
> researchers to build on your hard work.)
> Please send your pointers to the ns-users mailing list
> ([email protected]). Suggestions and
> comments are also welcome.
> Thank you very much.
> - The VINT project