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error-module with 802.11, not proper

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      I am using ns version 2.1b3 (allinone). The error module does not seem 
to work properly, with Mac 802.11.  I am using a simple LAN topology, with the
MAC being 802.11. The script seems to abruptly come to a stop.

      Does anyone know about this or can anyone help me?..

------------ Parts of the script  -----------------------------------------
# topology
#$mac is set to Mac/802_11
set lan [$ns make-lan $nodelist $bw $delay LL $ifq $mac $chan]
$lan addNode [list $node(0)] $bw $delay $ll $ifq $mac LL

# attach Source

# Error
set e1 [new ErrorModel/Expo $rate $unit]
set e2 [new ErrorModel/Expo $rate $unit]

foreach dst $dstlist {
                $lan install-error $e1 $src $dst
                $lan install-error $e2 $dst $src

------------ script end ----------------------------------------------------

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