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Re: NS Built Under NT Dumps Text To Screen

This is the 'tail' of what get's dumped - 
again, any help appreciated:

Simulator instproc lossmodel {lossobj from to} {
set link [$self link $from $to]
set head [$link head]
$lossobj target [$head target]
$head target $lossobj

Simulator instproc bw_parse { bspec } {
if { [scan $bspec "%f%s" b unit] == 1 } {
set unit b
switch $unit {
b  { return $b }
bps  { return $b }
kb { return [expr $b*1000] }
Mb { return [expr $b*1000000] }
Gb { return [expr $b*1000000000] }
default {
puts "error: bw_parse: unknown unit `$unit'"
exit 1

Simulator instproc delay_parse { dspec } {
if { [scan $dspec "%f%s" b unit] == 1 } {
set unit s
switch $unit {
s  { return $b }
ms { return [expr $b*0.001] }
ns { return [expr $b*0.000001] }
default {
puts "error: bw_parse: unknown unit `$unit'"
exit 1

: invalid command name "Classifier/Virtual"
    while executing
"Classifier/Virtual instproc find dst {
$self instvar node_ ns_ routingTable_

if ![info exist ns_] {
set ns_ [Simulator instance]
if ![info exist ro..."

ns exits here.

-----Original Message-----
From: John C. Westmoreland <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, February 03, 1999 2:54 PM
Subject: NS Built Under NT Dumps Text To Screen

>After building NS with MCVC++ 5.0 SP3 on NT 4.0 SP3,
>with the Win98 patch that's posted - ns dumps script looking
>text to the screen.  Any clues as to why this is happening?
>Thanks In Advance,