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Re: TCP throughput

Hello Yung,

If an application is attached to a TCP-sink, the TCP-sink will call
the application's recv() method whenever it received intact data. You
can write an Application inherited from class "Application" in TCL and
write a recv() method to record the throughtput. Hope this help.

YY> HI. All,

YY> How can I compute TCP throughput?
YY> Should I postprocess trace file?
YY> Is there another method for that?

YY> Thanks.
YY> ------------------------------------------------------
YY> Yung Yi
YY> Multimedia & Computer Communication Lab.
YY> Dept. of Computer Engineering, Seoul National Univ.

YY> Tel : +82-2-876-7170
YY> Fax : +82-2-876-7171
YY> Email : [email protected]
YY> URL : http://mmlab.snu.ac.kr/~yiyung
YY> ------------------------------------------------------

Best regards,
 Huang                            mailto:[email protected]