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Re: please help: large topologies


It doesn't sound like addressing problem to me.  This is a run-time
error related to multicast.  Somehow it doesn't know anything about
the 'messages' variable when it receives a prune/graft/...

Here is how the recv instproc is defined in ns-mcast.tcl:

Agent/Mcast/Control instproc recv {type iface m} {
        Agent/Mcast/Control instvar messages
        eval $self recv2 $type $iface $messages($m)
        #unset messages($m)

Is it the same for you?

If it is, try uncommenting the #unset - line and see what happens
(you'll probably need to recompile after the change).

I'd be interested to know the solution to this problem.  Please email
to the list if you find it.


Kamil Sarac <[email protected]> writes:

> Hello all,
> I am doing  multicast simulation using 250 node stub based
> network topology. I am using topology generator class (# Created May 98 by
> Ahmed Helmy; updated June 98) to generate my network topology. When I run
> the simulation, it gives an error that I have no clue about:
> $> ns  dense250.tcl
> Creating hierarchical nodes..
> creating node 100...
> creating node 200...
> Creating links 0...
> creating link 100...
> creating link 200...
> creating link 300...
> ns: _o10270 recv  386 5936: can't read "messages": no such variable
>     (Object set line 1)
>     invoked from within
> "Agent/Mcast/Control set messages($m)"
>     (procedure "_o10270" line 2)
>     (Agent/Mcast/Control recv line 2)
>     invoked from within
> "_o10270 recv  386 5936"
> Interesting part is that I am doing a similar simulation with a network of
> size 100 nodes and it works, but for 250 node network it does not ( I use
> Node expandaddr to increase address space - I am using ns version  2.1b4a)
> Is it possible that topology generator does something wrong in generating
> large topologies or any other reasons about this error....
> Thank you very much,
> Kamil.