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ns and otcl crash on specific variable names

Hi, All:

I download the latest version of ns and build it on redhat linux. 
Then I went to otcl directory and started otclsh

bonita:otcl-1.0a4 > otclsh
% Class Bagel
% Bagel p
% Bagel p1
Segmentation fault

bonita:otcl-1.0a4 >    
This looks like otcl does not like variable names p2. Then I started ns.

bonita:otcl-1.0a4 > cd ../ns-2.1b5/
bonita:ns-2.1b5 > ns
% Simulator p2
Segmentation fault

bonita:ns-2.1b5 > ns
% Simulator p
% exit

bonita:ns-2.1b5 >

Does anyone know why variable name p2 caused ns and otcl to crash and how to fix it? Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks.
