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Another installation problem with ns-allinone-2.1b5a/ Re: Installation problem with ns-allinone-2.1b5a

Hi Lukas,

Thank you for the response. I have corrected it by adding the option
--x-libraries=<my path> for ./configure in the install file.

I met another problem while installing ns-allinone-2.1b5a under HPUX
10.20 platform. The error message was as following:

-1.0a4 -I../tkbox/include -I../tclbox/include  -o tracedvar.o
rm -f embedded-tcl.cc
./tcl2c++ et_tcl ../tclbox/lib/tcl8.0/init.tcl > embedded-tcl.cc
-1.0a4 -I../tkbox/include -I../tclbox/include  -o embedded-tcl.o
embedded-tcl.cc:674: parse error at end of input
make: *** [embedded-tcl.o] Error 1
tclcl-1.0b8 make failed! Exiting ...

Anyone knows how to fix the problem ? Thanks.



> > I think the problem would be that the linker could not find the X11
> > library at /usr/lib/X11R4. Actually, we have installed only the  shared
> > library at this directory. So the question is how I can use the newer
> > version of X11 located at /usr/lib/X11R6 (by setting an environment
> > variable?) and how I can enable the shared option while installing.
> >
> Hi Thanh,
> It might be that you have to set the
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment to point to the correct location.
> Set LD_RUN_PATH too.
> If the X11R6 is in your PATH environment, run configure once more after
> setting the correct environment (i.e. X11R6 before X11R4)  -- I
> suppose this should fix it.

    Nguyen Huu Thanh                      

    Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen  
    Institut fuer informationstechnische Systeme
    Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
    85577 Neubiberg                        
    Tel.: +49 89 6004-2279                   
    Email: [email protected]  