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Re: installing ns on win95

>Haobo Yu <[email protected]> wrote:
>In this release, you should also change makefile.vc a little bit,because
>it's not synchronized with changes in Makefile.in. I remember that you
>need to add a couple of .o files, and change the ptypes2tcl lines to: 
>$(GEN_DIR)ptypes.cc: ptypes2tcl.exe packet.h
>        .\ptypes2tcl.exe > $@
>ptypes2tcl.exe: ptypes2tcl.o
>        $(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDOUT)$@ ptypes2tcl.o
>- Haobo

I think I did all these things, still NMake stops executing after the files
version.c, version.o, ptypes.cc, ptypes.o, ns_tcl.cc and ns_tcl.o are
generated, it exits with the ambigious 'cannot make Makefile' message.

Any idea what may be causing this ?


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