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Instllation problem.


 I am trying to install ns on windows NT machine and the installation
stops after displaying the following error message:

tcl2c++.c(184) : warning C4101: 'i' : unreferenced local variable
tcl2c++.c(193) : warning C4013: 'exit' undefined; assuming extern
returning int
        erase ..\tclcl-1.0b8-current\tcl2c++.exe
Could Not Find D:\NetSim\tclcl-1.0b8-current\tcl2c++.exe
        link  -LIBPATH:d:\DevStudio\Vc\lib /NODEFAULTLIB /INCREMENTAL:NO
NE /RELEASE /NOLOGO msvcrt.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib  wsock32.lib
ib -out:..\tclcl-1.0b8-current\tcl2c++.exe tcl2c++.o
        cl -c -Ox -c -W3 -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo
-D_X86_=1 -DW
INVER=0x0400 -DWIN32  -D_WIN32 -D_MT -D_DLL -MD -Ox -Zm1000 -DNO_TK
\win -I..\tk8.0.4\generic -I..\tcl8.0.4\win -I..\tcl8.0.4\generic
a4 -I..\tclcl-1.0b8-current  -I..\tk8.0.4\xlib  -I.
-Id:\DevStudio\Vc\include -F
oTcl.o -Tp Tcl.cc
Tcl.cc(836) : error C2561: 'get' : function must return a value
Tcl.cc(941) : warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'TOB'
Tcl.cc(942) : warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'TOB'
Tcl.cc(943) : warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'TOB'
Tcl.cc(944) : warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'TOB'
Tcl.cc(945) : warning C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro 'TOB'
Tcl.cc(958) : warning C4138: '*/' found outside of comment
Tcl.cc(958) : warning C4138: '*/' found outside of comment
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

Can anyone point out the problem???
