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Re: Fragmentation/segmentation/search

>>> "Lloyd" == Lloyd Wood <[email protected]> writes:

Lloyd> On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Nguyen Huu Thanh wrote:
>> Hello Lloyd,
>> I attach here my newest version of the segmentation/reassembly
>> agent. An example included (new-sar.tcl) describes how it works
>> (also with other applications like TCP). If you find it useful, you
>> might hang it on your ns web, so that everybody can get it. Thank
>> you very much.

Lloyd> Okay, I've archived it under:

Lloyd> http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/ns/

Lloyd> next to the Japanese code. thanks, Nguyen.

Lloyd> Now, some minor musings on that new and very useful htdig
Lloyd> search function:

Lloyd> I'd hate to see Nader's webpages suddenly mysteriously vanish
Lloyd> without trace, taking the handy htmlised nsDoc
Lloyd> <http://www.isi.edu/~salehi/ns_doc/> with them if they do (you
Lloyd> learn never to trust the longevity of a URL with a tilde in
Lloyd> it. Right, Kannan?) Would relocating/duplicating the htmlised
Lloyd> nsDoc to/on the mash server be a sensible thing to do longterm?

Absolutely.  I will eventually move it to mash.  It is just the matter
of me finding some free time which god knows when :)